Longest MA since the return of Legions


Old man
Aimed chase MA which resulted a capper kill was around 160m. Have not been shooting blindlessly enemy base with RL so distances are pretty low for me. ;) Around 100m kill shot with GL.


112m Rocket I
111m GL I

Only started ssing yesterday, my longest R/GL is actually around 200m, and cg probably 300-400.


i got 1k while we were spamming the enemy base with rockets from across the map. part of a great new PUG strategy we like to call the George Bush Maneuver


New Member
316, first shot I took in a game at a player cruising towards the base.
First I was like O_O
Then I was like ^o^


I got a 935 today from rocketing at enemies across the map

this 'orocketing' is actually a decent tactic when theres not a lot to going on in defence


Mas are always exciting for me. I'd say my longest was somewhere around 200. Sad I didn't record that.

completely luck: 816m rocket
skill: 361m nade, 181m rocket
Alas no pics, fraps had just filled up my hard drive when I got that nade...
816 m rocket? lol are you sure?


New Member
yes i still have the longest of all. 957m RL BIGTIME luck but hey i got it and no one has beat it yet from the looks of it

My max was around 150, we are all rusty! Anyways, MA are generally lucky shots! ~ Shazbot!
some arent. i get bunches of short ranged MA's all the time everyday and i aim and predict where their bot will be so shoot and blast them out of the air. yeah their hard but timing is all it takes

nvm i dont hahaha didnt read the others. and i didnt know you could prnt screen.that sucks i couldve taken pic


Mine was a grand and awesome total of.... 64 meters. Which sucks.

Now a nade MA was like 24 meters.

Yep. I bask in my noobyness.