What are you getting for Christmas?


I'm getting a couple game, money, probably some stuff I didn't ask for(but w.e, it's Christmas, gifts aren't the important part, being with family and having a good time is), money, and that's probably it.


Most Honoured Aussie
Good morning from the future, I got the love of my family, the joy of giving gifts and a hangover from staying up last night then waking up at an ungodly hour to go to the gathering.

Oh and Rake season's 1&2, Farscape Universe Collection Edition, lar get denominations of cash, assorted gift vouchers and whiskey.


Private Tester
Ugh, that sucks Seymour!

Checking in, was doing merry christmas wishing after an amazing christmas lunch with all the good stuff, and figured the legions community needed a little less buttholish discord. DONT EXPECT ME TO STAY NICE! NO CAN DO!

Hmm, an iPad dock, an iPad (way early, and I stood in Black Friday line for it myself as part of a group shopping effort, so no surprise!), a pair of turtle beach headphones, but best of all were sentimental gifts. A old personal copy of a book thats been read so much that the cover is falling apart, and a coffee mug with a story behind it. It is funny just how important an old book can be, and a good reminder that its not about gifts, but the people and thoughts.

The best thing was time with family and loved ones though. Just remembering that life is more than just waking up every day to go through the motions, and the quality of life is determined by the people you care about, not material junk that we give each other and fill our lives with. Not saying having nice toys isn't good, just that this year really reminded me that its not even in the top 10 list of what is really important.

Happy Holidays everyone!

discord's nice alter ego

P.S. Butthole discord will be back tomorrow to provide enough meanness to make up for this random outburst of nice.


Test Lead
The final list for me:

Dark Knight trilogy
Another movie pack (4 in 1: Casino, Traffic, Eastern Promises, Miami Vice)
Mouse pad
Tall floor lamp
A nice heavy sailor's pea coat (similar to this)
New computer chair


New Member