Update on seerking's real life and the bozo who nearly killed me


Funny how this thread turned from Seerkings experience to a thread about trolling and shooting yourself in the foot. Anyways, I don't see a problem with what MightySheep is saying :S. Nevertheless, stay on topic and stop the stupid conversations.


Old man
only thing I can think of is that if they find out prisoner is actually innocent they can let him out whereas if dead it looks rly bad for the justice system lul

You can honestly say you don't deserve being called an idiot after this statement you made? You're a *dancing* idiot.


WOW you have my respect for putting your life on the line every day and i wish you a speedy recovery.


stinky bear
Dang, almost 300 pounds, 6'1... If I were you I would of kept something handy. Bear mace, a club, taser...something