Thoughts On Stygian and or Fallout


  1. Needs Smoothing and some changes to terrain.
  2. No front route possibilities seems to give def. an easier job, not liking it, it is to spammy when trying to cap at least. On a good def. the flag is practically impossible to get.
  1. Annoying middle base when people decide to TURTLE in there with heavys.
What are some of your thoughts?



1) Needs to make it easier and faster to get up on those MASSIVE hills behind the base.
2) Needs a map size extension. Sometimes I feel like I'm going 200m/s on a sentinel.


Have not played it yet :(



1) Very impossible to do front routes in. We need a front door.
2) The map is not too bumpy, but since this is a mountain map, I have no choice.
3) The inner base tunnels, llamas often sneak there.


1) The center tunnels. Turtling often happens there.
2) Kind of very tricky to do front routes.


Test Lead
You guys understand that it's better that there are not possibilitys to run fronts 24/7?




Warrior of Linux
Stygain just needs some terrain to be smoother, that's all. Fallout is good as it is at the moment, but I haven't seen a single turtle since I've been playing pickups, though this will most likely be a problem when the map goes into public games. Cluster Spam will hurt the most.

Furious Phantom

New Member
Just played several hours worth on both maps -- had a blast, I like 'em!
Didn't have any problems 'side route' capping on Stygian and the terrain is perfect for getting up to speed quickly for either chasing or shaking the enemy off your tail.
Fallout I love, the bases remind me of my good old Tribes 1 days and I had no problem finding cap routes for the sides, front and back.


test bester
Ok wtf is this? No front routes is a good thing. This makes everyone think about how to get the flag. For now every new player just thought ok CTF so I need to get the flag. So they go head on to the base and try to grab that flag. With stygian you atleast come up to the base and you think: ow hey that is pretty high and I need to come from the SIDE. And because the terrain itself is not front route friendly it atleast provokes everyone to try and get from the side.


To be honest, the terrain doesn't need smoothing or anything, people just need to stop complaining and learn to ski! :)


Warrior of Linux
Notice the word 'Some'. Not all of it for obvious reasons, and only parts of the outer terrain. Just my opinion.


Private Tester
the simple fact that so many people are bitching about the lack of front routes is why we need more maps just like this. People are soooooooo lazy when they are allowed to be. Capping on both of these maps is really really fun, and there are tons of options, it just requires a very minimal amount of exploring and knowing the terrain since you can't just beeline directly at the flag and expect to get lucky some percentage of the time. Make more just like this!

Thanks for porting the spirit of Dangerous Crossing over to legions too :D
nothing needed, you know where the leak is and it's not even important to fix because it don't change a *chocolate cookies*

nothing needed


2. No front route possibilities seems to give def. an easier job, not liking it, it is to spammy when trying to cap at least. On a good def. the flag is practically impossible to get.

a) No front routes = good antidote for *chocolate cookies* piles like Forgotten (God I hate that abomination).
b) Tunnel-ish flagstand works both ways: Have one guy tossing nades and clusters near the stand, defenders have hard time dodging splash damage in such tight space.

On to improvement suggestions: Make Stygian little bigger on CTF (or make separate Medium-Large map variation of it), it gets claustrofobic on 8vs8 games.


So, Stygian on small map servers only seems like an obvious choice.

As for Fallout, should this be on small map server with a minimum player count (14+), as well as large servers?