Download Script: Kill / Mid Air Popup

Kill / Mid Air Popup V1.1

This script is primarily designed to work well with movie makers, as when you score a kill or midair, it appears in Medium sized text, just under where the flag grab text would usually appear.

Version Changes: 1.1
  • Now has own hudelements, rather than using message bot.
  • Can show up to 3 messages at once, if you get 4 or more, it will overwrite the third line, and put ##### to indicate that it's hidden another message, though, it'd be pretty rare for that to happen.
  • Changed MA popup to be by default Yellow in colour, and Kill popup to be pale green, apart from the Names, which will be in normal team colours (plus clan tag colours).
Extract the Zip archive to "live" folder. This is where the Legions.exe is located.

No need to set anything read only.

Your Legions must be up to date!



P.S. Do tell if you spot any bugs.

To change how long each message appears for:
KillPop_Print(%message, 2000, 1 );

KillPop_Print(%a1@"\c6 MidAir at: \c5"@%a3@"m", 2000, 1 );

Increase the "2000" values. (Value in milliseconds.)

To change which colour the text appears in:
KillPop_Print("\c8"@%message, 2000, 1 );
KillPop_Print("\c6"@%a1@"MidAir at: "@%a3@"m", 2000, 1 );
These \c# are the colour code. the colours range from 0->9.
Note, this will not change the name colours. To do this, you would have to strip the message of it's colour tags first (or at least that part of the message). If you wish to do this, ask me about it.


Private Tester
sweet man. I'll take a look at it as soon as I'm done filming for my current movie, which should be by this weekend. I want the current movie to be uniform before I start changing my hud :)
Thanks Dude by the way can you modify the colour?
You can fairly easily change the colour of the midair one. The \c# is the colour codes. For the other one it's possible, but a fair bit harder unless you're fine with it just having a default kill message, like "You killed w00tyou"

In regards to making it stay up longer, as Rockey said just change those values. I will add though, that the way it's currently set up, if another message appears, it'll erase the one which is currently on.
When I get some free time, (hopefully later today) I'll look into making a proper text thing, so that multiple messages can appear.


Private Tester
This is slightly off topic, but any clue how to toggle third person for a moment then back to first whenever you grab the flag?