Poll: Ladder/League Site


GReaper said:
It's up to you, the players and teams to decide which site/league/ladder is best for you. There shouldn't be a rush to go for whichever site launched it first.

Figure out which site offers the best features (do they automate everything? or does someone have to manually do something which could easily be coded on a website? etc). A site actually gets teams playing (it's all very well organising a bunch of matches, but it's pointless if the majority of matches are forfeited due to them accepting teams which can't play). A site that has a decent set of rules in place, rules which are easy to understand by all players and which cover all eventualities (instead of waiting for a fairly obvious issue which the admins never considered and having to make decisions up as they go along). A site which has respected admins (people who you can trust the run it, not just whoever is the most popular, people you can contact easily to talk about any problems).

Get it done right, don't just rush for the first solution. Gather support, get it organised, one man can't run the entire thing alone.
Current choices:
- Armageddon: http://forums.legionsoverdrive.com/threads/any-interest-in-a-ladder-site.1779/
-Advantages: Simple script, rung or point system
- GlobalWF: http://forums.legionsoverdrive.com/threads/any-interest-in-a-ladder-site.1779/#post-30163
-Advantages: Working script in place, private team forums, previous semi-success with a duel ladder
- World Legions League: http://forums.legionsoverdrive.com/threads/any-interest-in-a-ladder-site.1779/
-Advantages: Working script, rules already set up

State your vote and any reasons would be appreciated. Also, if you have an alternate suggestion, feel free to post a reply and I'll add it to the choices above.