How long does it take to get skilled?


Private Tester
Don't fret about MA'ing people. When I first started I couldn't hit anything. Ground and pound is very useful and I find it very rewarding. MA's don't come to most people naturally, it'll take time. Like Outlawl said, grab a friend and duel. IMO, that friend should be better then you. I find that I got better dueling by facing off against top level duelers. It may seem like you're getting ass whipped, but it'll pay off :)

good luck!

You still can't hit anyone. <3


Every player has his own way of learning, and it might take more time to learn as well. It took me more than a month before I even learned how to dual and skii, much less midair. Its not all about the midairs, though. I agree with Outlawl and Freeman that you should learn how to move first. Movement is one of, and if not, the most important part of this game. Afterwards, you can try and see how you fare with dueling.

And remember, speed and being able to midair is not all that matters. Certain positions don't require you to be able to skii at high speed paces or even duel, but dueling is one of the things you're better of applying to every position. For example, home defense, doesn't require you to skii around the map. This position has a high necessity of dueling, however. Cappers require a player that has a good grasp on mobility, communication, awareness, and in some cases, dueling.

As Freeman said, watch the pros, do what they do. Watch some videos on movement and mobility, which are made by many people in our fine community. Grab a buddy, or even someone willing to help you learn the ropes, and practice with them. Again, a player with more skill is bound to help you learn quicker. even if it seems like he's just pummeling you into the ground for his own amusement. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it, you don't have to worry. We can help. There are already people willing to help you here, so don't hesitate to ask us.

What freeman said. He's a great player but honestly, fighting him is like fighting exploding ground. He might midair you once in a while, but every time you touch the ground he's going to pound you like a drum and then go back to chain when you bounce up.

jk, but yeah, freeman is pretty well known for groundpounding you while he stands on a tower or something and ponders his next step in becoming docta.

Fweenman no docta, Fweeman no know noting bout computa

sirry mandarines
Sorry to tell you do this, but you've had it EASY IMO.

Imagine having this as your first ever game you'v ever played, and also you can't speak a single word of English. It took me 1 year to actually figure out how to join a server with people in it, and then 2 years to get good. It's pretty hard, but I didn't do it alone, I had some awesome friends that helped me along the way.

During my 3 years I learned a good amount of English from school, friends, family, and mostly TV.
I know, you'd think TV just destroys you brain, but once you wanna figure out what their saying, you'll start to understand the language.


World Leader of The 21st Century
Sorry to tell you do this, but you've had it EASY IMO.

Imagine having this as your first ever game you'v ever played, and also you can't speak a single word of English. It took me 1 year to actually figure out how to join a server with people in it, and then 2 years to get good. It's pretty hard, but I didn't do it alone, I had some awesome friends that helped me along the way.

During my 3 years I learned a good amount of English from school, friends, family, and mostly TV.
I know, you'd think TV just destroys you brain, but once you wanna figure out what their saying, you'll start to understand the language.

You've been playing Legions for three years? Impressive.


What you need to know to understand movement :

1) Be aware of your energy at all times. This is crucial, in order to manage the energy that you do have you need to get a very good feeling for how much energy each armor has. Back in it's prime, I was at a point where I could ski without my energy indicator visible on the screen. Once you feel comfortable with being aware of HOW much energy you have, the next step is learning how to utilize it to it's maximum efficiency.

2) Conserve and Manage your energy. One mistake people often make is pressing Down Jet too hard, too often, or for too long. Sometimes all you need is just a tiny bit of energy to make the necessary adjustment, example would be several down thrusts throughout a route using a tiny bit of energy instead of one long downjet in the beginning. You should get to a point where after every upjet you let off the keys and land exactly where you wanted to, if you constantly adjust on your way down you will lose lots of your momentum. So fly up, let go, and right before you hit the next down curve if there is one you tap downjet.

3) Always look at the terrain. Don't get too focused on the action, and aiming that you forget to look at your feet, it seems like a simple thing but you might have to remind yourself of it often till it becomes second nature. You always need to be aware of where the next big hill is, and ideally have skiied it enough times to already know what you are capable of getting off that hill with the speed you have. You have to know the maps like a skater knows a skate park, which areas produce the greatest net gain in velocity and how do I (you) use that to benefit? Always be aware of the terrain, plan out your steps way ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going and how you are getting there. Practice this over and over and that is a ROUTE, my advice, look at the many capping videos available and emulate those routes until you can attain similar speeds. Then you know you are ready to freestyle your own.

4)Awareness of other players and the flags locations. You must possess this information at all times either via the HUD, you looking around, or listening to voice communication. This is the information that believe it or not will effect your "movement" the greatest. Knowing how to skii is one thing, but using that knowledge to put yourself in good situations is an entirely different subject. Enemy flag carrier just died, flags going to return in 5 seconds nobody is around to return it. You notice your friendly capper is coming in for a cap and you are mid route. You need to be able to process this information, and use your knowledge of the terrain, and your knowledge of when and how much to upjet or downjet to move yourself into an advantageous position, which at this point would be to hit your rocket jump off a huge hill on approach to an "empty" flag stand, that RIGHT as you fly through it your team caps, and it gets returned and you grab the flag instantly. Know when to build up speed, know when to sacrifice health for a boost, and just practice. You can either get right into the fray like most people, or you can (like me) stay moving around the map till the precise moment then you come in and strike at 200.

Once you master moving , the rest of the game and aiming will come naturally. You'll feel more comfortable moving around the map, you'll be more useful to your team, you'll be able to fill roles like chasing and capping or escorting. You'll catch your first mid air pass on the fly, it will all fall into place once you learn to ski around all the maps as fast as you want so do that. Server by yourself, for hours.
I can most likely say that all good players had to practice to get good. You can name off any good player and you will name someone that spent hours in practice. I use to make my own servers and do special task to help me get better. Talk with shade and see if one of the helpers or any other individual that is willing to play with you will give you a good beating =P. All of the players that have asked to give you a hand are very good players that know what they are doing.

The best advice I like to live by is this " The difference between a wise man and a fool is a fool makes his own mistakes while a wise man learns from others." This statement has saved me from many troubles in life and not just video games. I am a decent player at legions and I learn new things every time I teach someone else how to play or when I watch the people around me. There is no pressure to be the best at this game, just make sure your having fun. Try shooting outlaw, that always gives me a kick =P.

Sorry to tell you do this, but you've had it EASY IMO.

Imagine having this as your first ever game you'v ever played, and also you can't speak a single word of English. It took me 1 year to actually figure out how to join a server with people in it, and then 2 years to get good. It's pretty hard, but I didn't do it alone, I had some awesome friends that helped me along the way.

During my 3 years I learned a good amount of English from school, friends, family, and mostly TV.
I know, you'd think TV just destroys you brain, but once you wanna figure out what their saying, you'll start to understand the language.

For someone that just learned english you spell better then me..... *crys in a corner* I have gotten better tho......


New Member
During Fallen Legions I must have logged 30 hrs just setting up hosted games as private and messing around. Speed up, jump, land, Bunny Hop. Racing by structures and seeing if I could keep a train of fire on one spot as I zoomed by was fun. Really just anything that comes to mind try it out. When playing with others see if they would do training games. Or simply ask how someone did something cool.


The best advice I like to live by is this " The difference between a wise man and a fool is a fool makes his own mistakes while a wise man learns from others." This statement has saved me from many troubles in life and not just video games....

You should take into account the advise and actions of others, yes, but nothing is more enlightening than outright miserable failure experienced first hand. It gives you an intimate understanding of a thing or situation and can grow the soul.


I think I've played about 2 months accumulated during Fallen Empires and now Overdrive over the last week.... but I suck at everything.

Man, I've played for 13 months altogether and I still suck at everything :S
Especially taking quick looks on ground you're about to land is something I tend to forget very easily (Bulizth wasn't kidding about that advice).

Another crucial thing about dueling is to pay attention to your opponent's jetpack energy, if he flies up high chances are his energy is depleted and he will fall like a rock (easy chance to ground pound with rocket or grenade). If he likes "hanging up" in air with sideways movement, chain 'em.


Personally, I hate fighting 1vs1, but when i'm just hanging around the base, I tend to do 105% better. I have improved a lot from my past experiences in different clans, and practicing with other players. The community is always here to help :)


Watch the good players, although right now there isnt an observe option to just watch other players but I'm sure it will eventually be back. Get in and fight and watch how they whip you, like others said dont worry about MAs so much. I played for about 3 months before IA went down and I was just starting to get things figured out. Now its like relearning all over again. Dont give up, get in and mix it up as much as possible. Legions is hard but rewarding once you get some skills.


I would recommend playing rabbit or FFA depending on what skills do you need to polish. Took me half a year to play decent, but right now im very rusty- didn't play for a year or so.


New Member
Like everyone else, it took me a few months before I could duel with people and have some success. Skiing is definitely the most important part of the game, so I would work on getting that down first. Don't even worry about MA's until you feel comfortable with the rest of the game mechanics: Skiing, ground and pound, overdrive (no crazy maneuvers, but just how it works and pulling off simple turns and such), and your preferred class and weapon load.

I could help you a bit in game if you are up to it.


New Member
Hey everyone. Sorry for bumping up an old topic, but it's for good reason. Just want to thank everyone again for your responses and time. It's very much appreciated. This is a good community. It definitely shows a lot of maturity. Since xmas is over and my course is a bit less intense, I can get back to playing again bit by bit. Again, like I said, I will definitely follow your advice and do my best. Thank you. :)