How is your weather?


Flatulent Cherub
Does that mean you have to finally put a jacket on? Or is your Canadian physique still able to conquer weather that cold?

Normally a Canadian's thick fur coat is able to handle such temperatures, but Nept's smooth, waxed body might not be able to sustain those low temperatures. He may need to put on a t-shirt.


Normally a Canadian's thick fur coat is able to handle such temperatures, but Nept's smooth, waxed body might not be able to sustain those low temperatures. He may need to put on a t-shirt.

I just flex for a few moments, which heats the surrounding air to a shimmer.


Less than an inch of snow, but cold as *chocolate cookies*. Supposedly getting 2 inches sometime this week, but unlikely.

These word censors are *dancing* annoying. We're all big boys.
how cold is it for you then?

btw. big ass storm inc on sweden, tomorrow is gonna be *dancing* cold.


Old man
Same here in Finland. -20-30C soonish. Damn! I hope snowing stops since I'm tired to dig it just to get a place for our car. :( Atleast it's good for those who likes to go downhill ski or snowboading.


New Member
I am in Idaho. Here, it is around 28F most of the time. Bout 1-2 inches of snow. Doing good, but sometimes, it is TOO cold.