How fast do you type??


You type 337 characters per minute
You have 62 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words


Private Tester
You type 431 characters per minute
You have 72 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words

but you aughta seem me type in Medievia muhahaha!!!
Tried it again today. New best:

You type 546 characters per minute
You have 101 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words


Legions Developer
First try:
You type 256 characters per minute
You have 44 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words

I need to practice :/

Had another go....
You type 326 characters per minute
You have 60 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words

Got better.... but I still need to practice it seems :/


Backend Contributor
You type 428 characters per minute
You have 72 correct words and
you have 3 wrong words

Pretty decent considering I'm asian :D *ahem* freeman.

Edit: Try#2

You type 506 characters per minute
You have 83 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words



just a question for those of you who type 500 characters per min and up : how loud do you type? is it a TAKATAKATAK sorta thing or are you relatively fluent and quiet?


Legions Developer
I only get around 50 if I'm lucky :/ The thing that slows me up though is copying of the screen, if I had the words spoken to me I swear I would be much quicker.
Best I got was 71, but I'm sure, also, that if the sentences MADE SENSE then I would be able to do it a lot quicker, I find myself thinking, WHAT THE *dance*?
Try it:

First try after figuring out what happened
Your speed: 72 wpm
Time: 0:47
Accuracy: 94.4%

Second try
Your speed: 88 wpm
Time: 0:26
Accuracy: 97%

Albeit I don't know how to type, I made up my own way to type and I deal as it is. I had some friends get 125 wpm, I feel pretty bad :D
Second try
You type 514 characters per minute
You have 91 correct words and
you have 4 wrong words

The last 4 were at the VERY end, lol


it was this thread that encouraged me to l2touchtype, it's easy to do but just impossible to get used to :(

i type so slow now trying to get used to typing with 10 fingers :<