First look: Battlefield 3

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Here's your first look at gameplay footage from EA's upcoming Battlefield 3. If you thought that would mean a clip free from singleplayer scripting, well, you thought wrong.

Source: Kotaku

What do you guys think?


The whole Iraq/Iran topic is starting to get a bit stale. Might have to look into the storyline to really judge its uniqueness. As for the technical aspect, however, this game has some pretty sick graphics :cool:


Test Lead


Yup, all I can say is, that video just looked so realistic. And I think COD is gonna get a kick in the rear once the game comes out. I just think.hope.


ok, can we just choose a single game and be done with it? why do we need like 10 fps out there, all coming one after the other. after BFBC2 and CoDMW, its just not worth getting any others.

oh, and CoDBO as well.....


Legions Developer
No, seriously. You could seamlessly swap between CoD:4 and this. Barely noticing the graphic change and surely wouldn't notice a gameplay change. I bet we got *drumroll* NUKES in the story of BF3 as well.
Multiplayer side BF will take the win if vehicles are there... But it appears to be console designed so I really doubt it. And remember kids! 10 more kills and you'll be M-M-MASTERSHOOTERPERSONFIRSTGRADE!


Was never really into Battlefields. More a fan of the CoDs. Not a big fan of the wide-scale battlefield games.


Private Tester
Was never really into good FPS games. More a fan of the bad ones.


As far as them all being the same, have you even played BC2? Not comparable at all to MW2 other than they're both FPS'.

Then the people saying too many have come out. This is what we have 2008 to today:

Bad Company 1 - June '08
Modern Warfare 1 - September '08 (pretty close together so far)

Modern Warfare 2 - November '09

Bad Company 2 - March '10 (two years since their last game)
Black Ops - November '10

What do we take from this? That CoD releases a game every year, milking a dirty dry cow making the same game 3 times in a row (more or less). While Battlefield waits longer between games, and ACTUALLY TRIES NEW THINGS IN THEIR GAMES!? The destructible buildings and squad spawning made BC2 a totally unique game to any other realistic FPS out there. They're also changing engines for BF3, making it even better while CoD stays with the same engine they've used since what? At least MW1. On top of that through this time Dice took up a side project giving us BFH and BF Play4Free. While most people here probably wouldn't play them, they've really paved the way for a lot free2play games out there.

In other words, one company is actually changing things and improving their games, while the other re-releases the same game every year.

"But it appears to be console designed so I really doubt it."
Also, the video shown was the PC version, not a console.

Anyway, in case it isn't obvious yet, +1 BF3, -1 MW3...

^Pretty good article.


I wouldn't expect it, however if DICE gives the game appropriate support then the BF2/2142 community will largely move over. Some of the over glaring problems with BC2 was the lack of modability, so with no vanilla ruleset for organized play and with the game as it was it didn't last long. Alot of bugs came with the new patches too, such as the often occurring FPS drops and still remains persistent in the game.

I tend to favor vCoD for the CoD series, and BF2142 for the BF series. Both are different in the sense that one offers round strategy, while the other offers SnH.
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