Fastest Speed Ever Achieved


Misunderstandings: the result of a stubborn legions kid who is horny and has decided to waste his time on the forums by responding to a solid claim. Overlooking the fact that rock is a tribes vet and that he probably knows what he's talking about, he said good routes go full circle and he's right because to set up a backroute like the one you describe (which i honestly think is lame and strips you of your so called skill) will require a full circle on your part.

edit: I <3 disci
While everyone has made good points on routes it's all based on the situation in my eyes. Any route has the possibility to go bad so a perfect route doesn't exist.

Myself i like to run fast almost straight line routes being an Ultra Renegades player for years caused this because the quickest way from point A to point B is a straight line and the mod was about speed. However if i find they wont work well enough i like to run sides or change up an OD grab that throws the D off. It just all depends on how the game feels.