Donating A Few New Servers


I swear to god, I hope in the next 10 years we can all get <50 ping to any server across the globe. Would be epic. Anybody who is an internet wiz know if this likely to happen (soon or ever}?
internet wiz here.

the magic conch shell says: "maybe someday"


Warrior of Linux
I swear to god, I hope in the next 10 years we can all get <50 ping to any server across the globe. Would be epic. Anybody who is an internet wiz know if this likely to happen (soon or ever}?

I could do maths to prove this to you, but short answer: No.


Lead Developer
I remember I read a article a while back about how scientists successfully sent the first few packets of data though 240 meters of rock with neutrinos... the error rate was unimaginably high but something like this actually could do it if it ever matures to the point where they can do it through the planet.. could cut hops between servers on opposite sides of the planet from like 15 to 5


I remember I read a article a while back about how scientists successfully sent the first few packets of data though 240 meters of rock with neutrinos...

They can't possibly do this for safety reasons.... what if the neutrinos mutate?!



New York 1 is running, I'll have them make a server on it for you Hi!. Sorry it took so long. Also assuming the servers that currently run are budget servers, the bandwidth is most likely not premium. To a point, the quality of the connection does affect the latency so it all depends on if there are some cheap ass sales that we can get a server that will provide better latency for more users.