Australia New Zealand Legions Corp. (ANZLC) - Now Recruiting


The Aussie
Lol @ the second point.

I kind of enjoy being a freeloader. That being said if you ever need an extra member for foreign scrims you know I'll be willing to jump in. :p
What Train said.
Either way we really need to get more Aussies playing legions....... :(


We seriously need a name change- I liked .pAu because it seems simple.
A.N.Z.L.A or whatever makes it seem like all the Aussies playing are in the army or something...


I quite liked .pAu back in the FE:L days when I played with you guys. I didn't bother asking to join you guys as the clan tag and name didn't feature NZ.
ANZLC... It does sound a bit military, imo.
57th plans to steal all the Aussies, I must warn you.

Nonono.. l: