Ranking System and Server Lockouts


When a new player joins they shouldn't be forced to play with the Legion elites, even if they accidentally join a server with a couple of pros in it they are going to lose 99% of the time and this could push people away from the game. A rank system should be put into place much like the ELO of League of Legends. If your Legions-Rank is too high (which would be based off of your in game performance) you shouldn't be allowed to join specific servers designated for new players.

TL;DR: Make a legions version of League of Legends ELO, stop new players rage quitting.


Once there's enough newbloods for them to enjoy the game themselves we will all gtfo to our own servers I guess.


Old man
Yeah, in the future maybe. Dunno how ELO points works but I guess similar system is used in QL and all the players are complaining about how *chocolate cookies* it is. Dunno how well one could make such a system work so I wont comment about that any further.

Doom Of Neroflame

how would they over come the obsticle of what they can/ can't/ should do/ not do ect if they dont see from higher skilled players? if there was a message at the start of the game likely hood is they would either not read, understand or care about what it says


Old man
how would they over come the obsticle of what they can/ can't/ should do/ not do ect if they dont see from higher skilled players? if there was a message at the start of the game likely hood is they would either not read, understand or care about what it says

I don't see this as a very huge problem, since people will evolve no matter what the skill level of the server is. You kinda have to trust, that people are able to figure things out on them selves or search forums etc. places for information if something bothers them/they really want to improve. After all at some point they are able to get on the higher ranked server to test their skills and if they are not ready for that, they get tossed back to lower ranked server. Issue solved imo.
edit: should/should't do issues are taken care of by the admins. Not the other players.


The only thing that kept me going was seeing how good the other "pros" were, and trying to get as good as them (riptack and kasity mainly for me).

If there are no good people in the newbie servers (wtf in their right mind would do that), then they will just quit.


The only thing that kept me going was seeing how good the other "pros" were, and trying to get as good as them (riptack and kasity mainly for me).

If there are no good people in the newbie servers (wtf in their right mind would do that), then they will just quit.


I think this is a pretty good idea that could be used in the future when more players start to play more. Sure some of the better players try and help out other players that are new but its also difficult at times and not every new player can be taught individually, also not every person once to take the time to do this, so having this would help a lot of new players get better all together. Also, another reason would be just the very high difference in skill level between players, everyone of my friends who have tried this game play for like a game or two and end up getting mad because it's too hard and they just keep getting killed over and over. This is very annoying as I enjoy this game a lot but have none of my friends to play with. Soo I would be totally for anything like this put into the game.


Old man
Also, another reason would be just the very high difference in skill level between players, everyone of my friends who have tried this game play for like a game or two and end up getting mad because it's too hard and they just keep getting killed over and over. This is very annoying as I enjoy this game a lot but have none of my friends to play with. Soo I would be totally for anything like this put into the game.

How did you get good at this game? Why didn't you quit saying *dance*, it's too hard?


I'm not saying everyone does this since there is a a lot of good players, I'm just saying this would be more welcoming for newer players to join and actually stay.


Old man
I'm not saying everyone does this since there is a a lot of good players, I'm just saying this would be more welcoming for newer players to join and actually stay.

Didn't mean that. I'm just curious, because I wasn't ever complitely new player because I've played Tribes games so many years so it kinda runs in my blood at this point so I honestly have no idea what it's like to be totaly unaware of how to play fps+z games. I can't remember what it was like ~10 years ago when I started to play Tribes... What made you stick with this instead of ditching it for good?
Obiviously I assume you're not an ex-Tribes player. :)


Private Tester
A simple interim solution might be to designate the servers as beginner, intermediate and advanced. We certainly have enough servers for that. That is not to say that everyone will play along but it is a start. As far as ranks go, we could even, as a community, decide on ranks based on experience and ability. A voting system would not work for various obvious reasons so we would need something more objective. At the moment that would be experience. Perhaps, in our tags we could have a number, like, say 3 which designates how many years you have been playing legions. We would have to rely on people's integrity for that of course. I know people are going to say we don't have enough of a player base to do this but it might just help to build a player base as TriX pointed out.


Didn't mean that. I'm just curious, because I wasn't ever complitely new player because I've played Tribes games so many years so it kinda runs in my blood at this point so I honestly have no idea what it's like to be totaly unaware of how to play fps+z games. I can't remember what it was like ~10 years ago when I started to play Tribes... What made you stick with this instead of ditching it for good?
Obiviously I assume you're not an ex-Tribes player. :)

Oh no you're right, I started playing back in IA days. I don't really remember why I stayed as it was a while back. But back then we could have our own game going and just mess around by ourselves or with friends, now new players are just pushed into a game at full tilt. But you are right, we'd have to go and get opinions of new players to know for sure.

A simple interim solution might be to designate the servers as beginner, intermediate and advanced. We certainly have enough servers for that. That is not to say that everyone will play along but it is a start. As far as ranks go, we could even, as a community, decide on ranks based on experience and ability. A voting system would not work for various obvious reasons so we would need something more objective. At the moment that would be experience. Perhaps, in our tags we could have a number, like, say 3 which designates how many years you have been playing legions. We would have to rely on people's integrity for that of course. I know people are going to say we don't have enough of a player base to do this but it might just help to build a player base as TriX pointed out.

I also agree with this, it would help new players and it'd also be cool to be able to see.