Proposed Scrim Rules of Engagement


New Member
The process is for a 3 game match when playing CLAN VS CLAN.

Must win 2 of the 3 games to win the match.

NOTE - Maps Must be declared by each team they wish to play on 3 days before the scrim. If either team has not declared a match and is due to play within 24 hours, the other team may exercise the privilege to declare - "Insufficient Declaration" and the match will be moved out 3 days from the schedule day. This is used so that each team has time to practice on the maps they are being challenged on. The teams DO NOT declare what side or server they want at this time. MAP SIDE and SERVER selection happen on the spot right before play.

If someone says something along the lines of, "Hey you guys want to scrim?"<--- Then it should be considered a challenge, and therefore the challengers have to play the first map on the defenders choice server. If there is no official challenge, then a coin toss or some other method should work.


Step 1 - The defending team (Always chooses the best server to play on)
A. The first question asked is West or East Coast Server. (Ping is the most important role for all in game combat elements, so server selection is key. It is like playing with the sun in your eyes or having clear sight.)

Step 2 - The challenger picks his map (Restates his map choice from 3 days earlier). [The challenger has chosen the weapon(MAP), but the defender gets to chose the field for the battle(side+server). When an aggressor attacks, he meets the defense first.

Step 3 - The defender now also gets to pick the side he wants to defend on.

Play the GAME


Regardless of who wins - The challenger now gets to defend on his server and his choice of map sides.

Step 1 - The Challenger chooses his Server

Step 2 - The defender chooses the map (Basically restating what was declared 3 days earlier)

Step 3 - The Challenger chooses what side to defend on. (BETA or ALPHA)

Play the GAME


The third map is played when both teams have each won a map.

Step 1. The original defender automatically gets first choice of one of the following two options.

The defender can choose:


Step 2a. If the defender has chosen MAP+SIDE, then the challenger picks his server.

Step 2b. If the defender has chosen SERVER, then the challenger gets to pick map+side.

Note: If the defender chooses server - Then the third map and side is picked on the spot by the challenger. This gives the challenger an edge on the engagement. (Having drawn out the defense onto the battlefield, the challenger can dictate the field of engagement better.)

If the defender chose MAP+SIDE - Then the challenger automatically gets to play on his choice server. (Having fought strongly to hold his position, the defender has chosen to hold his ground, although his troops are more weary for it.)


Warrior of Linux
3 maps sucks due to the amount of time it takes to play one game. 1 hour and 15 minutes if you go to 3 maps + warmup. not many people have that time to play. That's why a the points from two matches are added together. and whoever has the most from the two matches wins. If its a draw (unlikely) then a third match will be played, or just kept at a draw.