Possibility For A New Game Engine

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This is a post that can interest mostly the devs, since we all know that the torque engine is anything but perfect and that the legions development may become easier with a more stable and ample engine. The link I provide above is an announcement of the crysis team stating that they will be releasing their engine (cryengine 3, the same engine they used to design crysis 2) to the public, and the post says it will be a complete version of it and free to download.
Now I don't really know the specs of said engine or if it would benefit the devs in advancing legions into the game it deserves to be, or if it could even ease the development process for them so I'm still making this post thinking they may be interested.
However feel free to dismiss this suggestion and close the thread if you guys consider this won't be useful for the development and/or improvement of legions.
Over and out.


Test Lead
Perhaps if they were getting paid.

Plus, it sounds like they have enough problems with Torque as-is. Learning a whole new engine would be a pain, and would mean a pretty major halt in the release of content.


Warrior of Linux
Plus a complete rewrite of the code to get where we are today. Mabel would kill us as he'd probably be getting repetitive strain injury in his fingers after writing millions of lines of code, so lets save him that pain shall we?

This idea is completely impossible anyhow, so get it out of your mind.


Legions Developer
thats a thought but you also got to understand that the majority of the community isn't on par with game engines like that. You put legions on that game engine and half the community would be upset because theyre pc's cant run it. What would be nice however is the team move forward to the new torque engine, won't be easy because alot of the code would need adjusted. But it would be better then swapping engines.
why do people always complains about Torque
if you want the game in another engine follow these steps:
1- Learn how to code, design, some other stuff
2- Assemble a team
3- Choose an engine every body is going to be happy with
4- Start Coding the game yourself and your team
5- Please don't come back and complain about how hard it is or it takes too much time


You could go make a game in another engine if you like, but the game is already in torque and moving it would take a long long time, too much time for the devs to do without getting paid.
Oh if only we had an income from somewhere...
But looking at right now, I think even the devs are paying out of their own pocket to keep things up and running.


Nope. There is too great an art asset cost and we'd have to commit to completely rebalancing the game and making new maps. At that point it'd be more effective to just make a TC that didn't have the bunch of obnoxious gameplay and balance idiosyncrasies that Legions has. That is a lot of work and a huge development undertaking and is honestly too much. Games require lots of content more than anything else. While the code would almost certainly be feasible to do there's a lot more to a game than the code that runs it.
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