OOB - Out of Bounds

Would you like the OOB boundary to:

  • be like OOB in Vengeance (wall)

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shaska's bff
Not to say that people are having trouble with it, but there's a couple of options that could replace the current OOB system:

- OOB as it is in Vengeance, that is to say a big honeycomb-patterned glass wall.
- OOB as it is in T1, that means no physical obstacle, but a 3-second warning before the flag disappears from the hands of the capper.


test bester
Stay as it is, with the 3 second warning you need to make the maps larger wich is total time waste.
And the one from vengeance is actually the same if you *dance* up your route you are probably going to respawn anyway.
So why change something that already works?.
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but the wall of death and a huge cliff at the edge of the map is not a design feature for legions. It was the best option at the time to deal with the inability to repeat terrains T1 style.
Furthermore, I agree with application-1: instant death or solid wall doesn't change much at all, and if given a choice I'd go for the wall of death we have right now. That makes sure players stay out out of the area you don't want them to be and keeps the pace up.


I feel that the Barrier doesn't need any changes, at the moment. Maybe it can receive some tweaks, after all the balance and bug issues are dealt with, which I believe is far from complete.

But, if the developers ever decide on "reconstructing" it, I'd like to see the time limit, but not as low as three seconds, somewhere around eight. In addition to this, there could be a health penalty to the player, who is out of bounds. Every 2 seconds, the player would lose a certain % of energy, which is dependent on the amount of distance, he crossed through the Barrier. This neither helps with anything, nor it hurts. A little something, that might add depth to the game(which the game currently lacks), that's all.


The barrier right now is, I think, the best way. First of all, if a carrier gets careless, the chasers have a really easy job, but it gets the point across, you SHALL NOT PASS. Its the most definite kind of border. which I like about it. In some games there's a "Return to battlefield" warning, but honestly, that's just too polite, to give somebody that much more time before killing them, and with the speeds people travel at in Legions, its the best way to define the end of the map.


shaska's bff
Stay as it is, with the 3 second warning you need to make the maps larger wich is total time waste.
And the one from vengeance is actually the same if you *dance* up your route you are probably going to respawn anyway.
So why change something that already works?.

Implementing the 3-second warning (and also making maps larger) could make things more interesting for cappers since they now can use slopes out of bounds to gain greater speeds for routes and also allow for more exit routes. In my opinion, t1 system wouldn't be very effective because of the current map design; bases are relatively far from OOB, as opposed to the Stonehenge set up, where bases are just on the edge of the map.

The one from vengeance is slightly different since you don't die on impact, you incur damage depending on the speed and angle at which you hit the wall. Keep in mind that most people that die from the current OOB are cappers that under-steer and barely miss safety, and not people who blindly run into the honeycomb lights. So if you had something like the one in Vengeance, a capper would incur some damage but not die.


Warrior of Linux
I've always liked the border as it is now, but recently I've found myself liking the T1 system potential for capping.

However, this will take a bit of work to do :)