My College Essay


I just thought about sharing with you guys my college essay. I know it's not much, but I encourage you to take a look ;)

"The Incredible Romance"
One day, my guidance counselor asked me to fill out a personal questionnaire as part of a ceremony in which I, along with a few of my peers, would receive collegiate awards. As I scaled down the white page, a simple but intriguing question appeared: “What is your nickname?” My head backed away a few inches. I found myself aware of the risk of putting down the nickname that everyone branded me with three long years ago, but with a smirk on my face, I proudly and neatly wrote in black ink the word, “Romance.”
As my pen left its final kiss on the paper, I looked back at my response to that devious question, wondering if I had made the right decision. I thought about the nicknames that other book award receivers would state, and I knew mine would stand out the most. People would probably giggle after hearing that word, and then after claiming my award I’d be forced to answer questions such as “How did you get that name?” and “What makes you so romantic?”
You want the simplest answer I can give you? I sing to girls. Ladies love a guy who makes them blush, especially around Valentine’s Day. They would die for a young man to give them a song without hesitation or fear. The average female teenager admires an outgoing, caring, and spirited fellow, and one can determine the levels of these traits in a boy by asking him to sing a love song.
Fortunately, I have a burning passion for music, and I have the voice and the guitar skills to emulate it. More importantly, though, I do not get scared easily when it comes to any performance. I go with the flow, and my audience, mesmerized by the music, sways with the beat, their hands raised as if holding up lighters. I look at the recipient of the love song with a look that shows I care, and she stares at me with glistening eyes of satisfaction. When I get down on my knees and continue to sing, the lovely lady recognizes that she matters to a guy who would be willing to offer anything just to plant a smile on her face.
After I sing my last note and play my last chord, my audience applauds. With tears streaking down her blushed cheeks, the girl rushes to give me a hug (and occasionally a kiss on the cheek). All the guys cheer for their favorite lothario, while the girls form their own “next-person-to-get-a-song-from-Romance” line. Through one little love song, I have given exactly what the girl desired: a guy who knows just how to touch the soul.
After three years of performances, I’m still known as Romance, the Singing Wonder. Random teachers and students in the hallways shout my name when they see me. Everyone at work, including my boss, calls me by Romance. Even friends I’ve only seen once in a while at statewide events remember me as “the kid who sang to ladies during lunch breaks.” Thus, I continue my “work” wherever I go by simply doing what I love.
So, what does it take to inherit the name Romance? After all, I do need an heir to my throne at school, don’t I? Well, whoever dons this sacred name must know exactly what a girl needs and when to deliver the goods. He must have a warm heart and an open mind, for ladies will not tolerate stubbornness, and he must employ a reasonable amount of energy into each song, poem, or other form of expression. Overall, Romance must be, as the title suggests, the epitome of romance.
As for me, I will host auditions for this role at my high school before I carry the flame to college, so I encourage all Casanovas to step up to the plate and prove their worth to continue the tradition that is Romance.