Legions Lingo Dictionary


New Member

I am not sure if one exists, but there are a lot of phrases, abbreviations and terminology relating to different plays, weapons, moves and aspects of the game. A new member can quite quickly learn what a few of them mean, but it might be an idea to create a dictionary in the forums or FAQs so that everyone knows what they all mean.

OD Grab, MA, Llama etc. and the more comlicated ones.

Shouldn't take too much time, and we might all learn a thing or two?


New Member
Thanks for your comments, there are definately some well thought out wikis out there already produced by players.

It would be great to see their profile raised so that it is easy to reach this sort of information. A collab between the developers and player made wikis for an official site page could work? A couple of those player wikis have multiple revisions so must get out of date pretty fast. Strikes me that the dedication needed is something the devs might have and be able to help with too.


There was a thread on the really old IA forums with a lexicon of words people posted. Unfortunately, it serves no purpose as of now, because it has been taken down.


Warrior of Linux
There was a thread on the really old IA forums with a lexicon of words people posted. Unfortunately, it serves no purpose as of now, because it has been taken down.

Yarr, I've thought about reposting a similar thread and getting Seymour to sticky it. Would be useful for the newer players. That wiki one is so out of date.