In-Game Clock/Timer


Legions Developer
I was thinking, the other day, I get very involved in legions, and the next thing I know, I've spent 4 hours straight on legions. Yes I know, not very healthy. So I was thinking that maybe a simple clock could be implemented in-game, since I play fullscreen, it's kind of a pain to tab-out every time I want to check the time.
Also, maybe a timer which times it takes for you to cap the flag if you don't pass it, maybe this can just be a script (RockeyRex, I'm looking at you.).

Just my thoughts, thanks. :)


I think some of the modders could do this because as of right now this looks like a really time wasting suggestion for the devs...


Honestly, you losing track of time should not merit an ingame clock that has no purpose. Most/All computers have a clock on them. Now, if you can't keep track of time, that's your issue. Wear a watch/set an alarm that obnoxiously yells "GET OFF THE COMPUTER YOU LUMP" etc. etc.


Private Tester
I'd actually like having this. When it's available, I use such clocks all the time.

Of course, it's so low-priority it'd be easier to just have a modder script it in. But eh!


Warrior of Linux
Meh, I don't see much point of this as you can easily see the time around the place (If you look at it as much as I do these days) +I wish I had time to play for 4 hours straight, though that would be a little sad...


Legions Developer
Guys, It's not like it's a huge amount of coding to display the time? Actually, I have no idea, but I wouldn't imagine so.
aaanddd, the timer thing is still kewl.


You'd also forget having to test it out and see whether are any significant bugs in the clock and other things.

It would be best left in the hands of modders.


Don't u ever take piss breaks, or snack breaks? Do you actually sit and play for 4 hours stright? I always watch the clock on my wall on my way to the toilett. :D