Help with setting up a TS3 viewer


I don't know which topic this should go in...
But regarding my previous post about this topic:

Alrighty, I did some searching around on the interwebs and this is what I found:

I need some information of the following:
Clan/Server name:
Category of this game: ( like how would you describe it )
Server IP:
UDP Port:
TCP Query Port:
Should this server be protected by a password?
Game server name:
Game server IP: Port:
Clan/Server description:

I don't really want to bug the devs into doing it for us, as it would take time out of their schedule, but they did tell me that it was easy to do.
So all help is welcome!


The fact that you guys even use team speak astounds me. Considering I've seen so much complaining about low frame rates on legions, I assumed everyone used vent. Which is definitely better when It comes to cutting down the load on your pc. Team Speak has a more graphical layout. Not that big of a difference but if you're lagging on legions you really need all the power you can get.