Game Set Log.


Game Set Log is something I invented, which I think would help people get together at the same time, irrespective of the differences in their time zones.

When a player logs into Legions: Overdrive, he would normally go to the server list select a server and click on join. These days, there are plenty of times that servers are empty(especially for the Asian community), and one would just see that and leave the game. Just after he leaves, someone else might log in to the game and notice all the servers are empty. So to prevent this from happening and to encourage community to fix public matches, I propose Game Set Log.

It's an option(could be incorporated right next to the options in the server menu), which would produce another screen displaying the game sets created by various players.

So, to create a Game Set, one would use the Game Set Log to select the server, which he would like to start a game in, and set a count down timer. Let's say for example I'm setting a game. I would choose SG server, and set a timer to 3:00:00. Right after I set it, the count down would start, and my name would show up, as "signed up". So when some other player checks the Game Set Log, they would see my game set as this:

Game Set: [SG] Public test Server
Set by: Maxter
Time Left: 2:27:29(and counting)
Required: 4
Signed up players: Maxter
Sign Up(option) Sign Out(option)

This is visible to any and every player, who logs into Legions: Overdrive as long as they log in, before the count down ends.

All players who are already signed up, may play other games in the mean while, or show up at that particular time. If a player is in some other game, they will be automatically dragged into that Game Set server, and the game is started. We could also explore additional options like creating player requirement. Let's say that my Game Set's minimum player requirement is 4, and there are only 3 logged in the game, when the count down ends. The Game Set would simply dissolve, without disturbing the remaining 3 signed up ones, who are playing in other servers. Another one would be to display only certain server Game Sets, like if I only want to view the SG servers' Game Sets.

Multiple game sets will be displayed like this:

Game Set: [SG] Public test Server
Set by: Maxter
Time Left: 2:27:29(and counting)
Required: 4
Signed up players: Maxter, JCARTEL, Karnage.
Sign Up(option) Sign Out(option)

Game Set: [US] Public Test CA Server
Set by: Fatelvis
Time Left: 1:44:36
Required: 4
Signed up players: Fatelvis, Zahadoom, Stilgar
Sign Up(option) Sign Out(option)

And so on...

Mind you, that only one Game Set may be created by one player at one time, and multiple Game Sets cannot be done by the same player, even though they're at different times. If a player signs up for two Game Sets, and ends up being dragged into one, while playing the other, it's his own fault for signing up to the Game Sets, at such close timings.

Now, some of you may tell me, "Use IRC/Teamspeak", but let's face it people rarely get on TS while playing a public game, and just because you see someone's name on IRC doesn't mean they're there.

My only concern with the Game Sets would be that if a lot of people create their own Sets, it may clutter the Game Set Log screen. So I would like to suggest a show/hide method where initially the Game Sets are shown in this manner:

Game Set by: Maxter(SG)

Game Set by: Fatelvis(US)

After clicking the "Show" option, the remaining content of the Game Set would be shown.


Ha, I only included the first three names I thought up in my mind. I would've included you if you frequented our ts more. :D