Another clip from Spart


What do you think of edit? and yes ik theres excess music at the end of the clip...


Imo, you shouldn't have done the "reverse" effect on the missed shots; do it on the shot that kills them.


Oh yea also: increase your recording fps by ~15 and really shorten the clip. For some people it is annoying to see the way others aim, especially if they have a really high mouse sensitivity (me). Cut the clip solely to ~1.5 second before taking the MA shot and to ~0.7 second after the actual MA


Oh yea also: increase your recording fps by ~15 and really shorten the clip. For some people it is annoying to see the way others aim, especially if they have a really high mouse sensitivity (me). Cut the clip solely to ~1.5 second before taking the MA shot and to ~0.7 second after the actual MA

well when i do that my lag increases because i usually get between 30-45 fps


Oh c'mon! You can come up with something more creative than that! Shattered's edits are lame, don't try to mimic them. I know you can do better man!

shattered throws in inverted colors and stuff in his clips. all this was is a clip that wasnt reversed, then reversed, then went foward again and i used a transition to go between before the shot and when the shot happens and i did throw in sound because this is only a test, so when i make a frag movie(which i think will take a while knowing me) that clip will probrably be in there only with a different edit :)

Oh and - good shot :)

thanks :)