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  1. Neuticals

    App crash

    Thanks for the heads up... :)
  2. Neuticals

    Post your pictures here!

    Trying this again? Here is one from Hallows Eve... :D
  3. Neuticals

    App crash

    This happened after trying to switch servers.... :) edit - Vista 64bit
  4. Neuticals

    Legions: Overdrive Officially Launched

    Thanks for the release!
  5. Neuticals

    If it's not new, it's old.

    If it's not new, it's old.
  6. Neuticals

    PayPal Button

    Where can I send my $5 bucks to, to get things going? It's been too long with Legions down and playing over in Goon Haven... Please serve us up some Legions. Neut