Recent content by Mr.Mister

  1. Mr.Mister


    same here, doin one more summer vacation. Too bad i cant do crap cause of the rough weather
  2. Mr.Mister


    Last hurrah eh? I'll definitely be there! I may've sucked at this game, but still loved it! See you guys at midair
  3. Mr.Mister


    Good stuff you got in there. Ever tried using the rc shell?
  4. Mr.Mister


    CRUX IS SO GOOD! Also I got legions working on the system, so now you got a tester. I'll try to help out as much as I can, but I don't think I'll be so good since I hardly know anything about programming.
  5. Mr.Mister


    Guess I'll be hanging around in here now, looks pretty roomy. I'm really impressed with the design of this place, looks.......minmalistic. :P Anyways, I too am tired of POL cause it always tells me that the thing crashes and i cant tell if its lying or telling the truth. Plus I'm trying to get...
  6. Mr.Mister

    L:O for Linux and Mac!

    Debian Jessie with wine 1.9.2
  7. Mr.Mister


    I actually wanted to participate this time, but windows is being silly and making my game crash. :(
  8. Mr.Mister

    L:O for Linux and Mac!

    wine version?
  9. Mr.Mister

    L:O for Linux and Mac!

    Good to see someone still working on this, I'm not so linux savvy, but I'll do my best to help out. What are your specs and what distro are you using?
  10. Mr.Mister


    There's project rokkit, but that hasn't been active for a long time.
  11. Mr.Mister

    Merry Christmas

    Getting a new computer. Not coming till a few days after. Not the best at gaming, but does gaming nonetheless. the build graphics card is a GT610
  12. Mr.Mister


    PUG was quite......interesting. I was soooooooo bad, but I'll get better dueling soon.
  13. Mr.Mister

    Gaming PC Build?

    Try if you want a quick guide. Otherwise, go look up some tips online and start shoppin. I will say though, that for the games you're playin you should get a mid-grade. You don't need any monster gaming graphics and processors to play those things.
  14. Mr.Mister

    L:O for Linux and Mac!

    Yeah I know that this is a double post, sorry but there are some good changes here. The graphics are completely good, all settings are set to "yes" (except legions lite of course) and everything looks good. Still trying to fix the joining issue. All I can say for now is just keep trying to join...
  15. Mr.Mister

    L:O for Linux and Mac!

    DirectX 9 is installed, but it seems to prefer the native dlls and not the builtin ones. Will give more info later. EDIT: Fixed updater issue by removing my old game folder and do a full update EDIT2: Fixed dxdiagn issue by changing quartz.dll, devenum.dll, and dxdiagn.dll to builtin EDIT3...