Recent content by jojo88

  1. J

    hey mario does kamp still play legions and if so tell him jojo is looking for him

    hey mario does kamp still play legions and if so tell him jojo is looking for him
  2. J

    dude do u still play legions

    dude do u still play legions
  3. J

    Better graphics ?

    in my opinion legions is good how it is cz u have to think for the over 100's ping players i not 1 of them but if theres beter graphice there ping will go even higher therfor they might get sick and tired of having to shoot 10 seconds before some1 lands somewhere just to get close to htiing them
  4. J

    Players Looking for a Clan

    AGE : 13. REGION: united kindom. EXPERIENCE IN LEGIONS : i use to play when legions was on ia played for about seven months i was a noob back then but now that i got legions lite how good i really always was it starting to show. CLAN EXPERIENCE : i use to be in 2 clans one was called team ni...
  5. J


  6. J

    hey kamp hows it goin btw my new name on legions is stingray jus to let u knw

    hey kamp hows it goin btw my new name on legions is stingray jus to let u knw