Ya, I'll narc to make LEGIONS a better game.

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New Member
I noticed some talk about your own team firing on you in the CTF servers. Here's 3 wreckless, no rule havin', shoot your own team in the back mofo's: freakjeak, Peng1998, & miraclefish. All three of these players are doing stupid *chocolate cookies* all game long. Quite a few times, when an enemy player invaded our base, (they were on the same team as me), I'd be dialing in on the enemy player only to have one of these losers shoot me in the back, then call me an idiot, or say "oops". When I would respawn, I'd see them kickin' it atop one of our bases towers with an enemy player. Oh yeah, "the flu" needs to pull his head out of his ass too. I've played on 6-7 different occasions with him, and he was playing both sides every time.
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