What is one of your favorite older games?


The Aussie
I'm 14. Got my first laptop/ computer when I was like 11. So I didn't really get to experience those kinds of games...

I was 4 years old in 2001... :(
Command & Conquer: Red Alert.

Tesla coils, mammoth tanks, attack dogs, squishy infantry and sore fingers from clicking the buttons too much. That game was awesome.


Warrior of Linux
Command & Conquer: Red Alert.

Slight spinoff from this as well, the remake of Dune, Dune 2ooo was one of my fav's as well. Produced by none other than Westwood games, which was headed up by Castle back in the day. I heard that the original Dune was also a stepping stone in real time strategy.


if the question was list all old games u love i'd probably hit text limit

so ill just pick a random one, future cop lapd ! :)
