User-created maps, FOR or AGAINST. (w/ some examples)

Should the map editor be made public?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 42.1%
  • No

    Votes: 20 52.6%
  • Other reasons. -a comment is mandatory-

    Votes: 2 5.3%

  • Total voters
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The editor can never be separated from the code to host your own game.

That said, anybody who opposes a free & open map editor in a PC game is just being silly, customization is what makes PC gaming special.


The editor can never be separated from the code to host your own game.

That said, anybody who opposes a free & open map editor in a PC game is just being silly, customization is what makes PC gaming special.
I dont think you've answered my question, my question was, if someone would've liked to modify the way the mesh looks just for "imagination" purposes, would that be possible without Torque?


New Member
NO why would anyone say NO do you know how much talent there is out there if they just had a good tutorial on how to make a's crazy I tought myself the unreal engine and photoshop at age 13 and havn't stopped playing T:V yeah yeah ded game :p still love it


New Member
I'm with Dice, having no customization options is terrible. Variety is the spice of life, as they say. It is also a lifeline when gamers QUICKLY get bored. I do sympathize with the situation of the editor though, if you exposed that much of the game's core then people would just steal it and mangle it.

The real issue here isn't whether or not they SHOULD allow mapping and customization, but rather that they can't make it a reality without halting other crucial aspects of development. Perhaps it would be prudent to expand your team? I have no doubt that there are a lot of willing volunteers lurking around here...


Did you not read a single word daphinicus just posted?

I did, thank you. Hence the qualifier "if" was used in my post... or did you not see that?

Given the difficulty in using the current map editor as described, I thought some dev might just want to make life a little easier for the whole team and devote a week or two to separating the codes for, say, physics from mapping. If such a thing ever happened, then that new map editor could be released to the community for the happiness and joy of all. Of course, if the dev team is happy with fighting bugs, or at least not annoyed enough to put in the effort of rewriting the editor, then it'd obviously never happen.

I think most of agree it'd be great if it did happen. I also think that if the devs don't feel they can devote the energy to a map editor without detracting from the game then they could bring on a third party with the help of a confidentiality agreement or some such. I'm sure there are plenty of experienced programmers on this forum alone who would do it for peanuts.

Obviously I'm not suggesting the devs "get right on it." There is still plenty of work to be done on the game itself, and for now I think we're all happy enough to just be playing again after these long months that we don't need an active modding community just now. If it took twelve months for a map editor to come out, I'd be fine with that. If one never came out, I'd still be okay as long as the devs were making the new maps once in a while.

I think we can all agree that new maps, regardless of the makers, are a necessity for the continued success of Legions.


New Member
Given the difficulty in using the current map editor as described, I thought some dev might just want to make life a little easier for the whole team and devote a week or two to separating the codes for, say, physics from mapping. If such a thing ever happened, then that new map editor could be released to the community for the happiness and joy of all. Of course, if the dev team is happy with fighting bugs, or at least not annoyed enough to put in the effort of rewriting the editor, then it'd obviously never happen.

At the risk of sounding pedantic, I must interject that there is slightly more to it than "separating the codes" as you put it. You would do well to curb the spouting off until you acquire a better understanding of the development process.


At the risk of sounding pedantic, I must interject that there is slightly more to it than "separating the codes" as you put it. You would do well to curb the spouting off until you acquire a better understanding of the development process.

Excuse me for expressing an opinion that contained an error. I stand both corrected and humbled.


New Member
Pardon me for coming off snarky, it just got under my skin a little. I would think that if all it took were a week or two of one guy's time, then it would have been done already for their own sake, regardless of the community's wants. They haven't done so because the "map editor" isn't really a map editor, it is a Torque editor which includes mapping functionality, and they likely don't have the source code. They had to purchase a license for that software, which means that distributing it would be piracy.

So basically, in order to provide the community with a mapping program, they would have to write it from scratch, which has its own hurdles. To do that, they would still need the Torque source code to access all of the classes which make up the structure of game entities. Then they would have to develop an interface and a custom renderer to make the viewports so people can see what they are mapping.

I hope that makes sense.


King of all Goblins
Skeptic, let me say this much: Please, stop assuming things. Or, if you, out of some reason, have to post about stuff you don't know, at least make clear that it's an assumption.

To all of you: Feel free to continue that conversation, but keep Mabeline's post in mind.


New Member
Gheist, if I've made any baseless assumptions, then point them out directly. Otherwise, please refrain from painting me as an ignorant windbag without making a cogent correction. Also take note that when a statement is prefaced by terms such as "it is likely" and "I would think," that is an indicator of speculation, not assumption. All we can do here is speculate, but if you know the facts and we don't then it would be prudent to share them with us.


King of all Goblins
My intention was not to "paint you as an ignorant windbag", but to bring to your attention that you're correcting others here, while not knowing the details of what's happening behind the curtains yourself. You're basing your post on assumptions and speculations (not necessarily "baseless", as you added - but you could be wrong; hence "assumption and speculation" and not "knowledge"), and while you have used "indicators of speculation", you're also using phrases like "They haven't done so because [...]", "They had to purchase [...]" etc. People tend to take the written word as facts, and that's the real problem here. So I'm just asking to be careful with how you word your sentences, to help prevent false rumours and half-truths from spreading. As long as it's clear that you're speculating, everything is fine.


New Member
Frostbyte in Tribes Vengeance .... FYI :)

hey how come I've never seen this version of the map mal lol better send me a link I wanna see it lmao

oh and you guy retort on SKEPTIC, read his name he's a skeptic lmao.

and either way limiting the user based modding/skinning/mapping would kill a tribes type game right out of the gate, it's why people play tribes, besides strat, teamwork and all the other types of cooperation it takes to make a decent tribes team.

Do you guys really wanna make almost 100 maps with this game so people don't get bored with it right away, take T:V for example, was hard to mod/skin/map for and it died in about 3 years while people still play T2


New Member
I guess I'm not the only pedant here, imagine that! Let's keep the spirit alive then, shall we?

Assumption #1 said:
They haven't done so because the "map editor" isn't really a map editor, it is a Torque editor which includes mapping functionality, and they likely don't have the source code.
Here I admittedly made a (reasonable) assumption based on the forthcoming FACT, followed by a speculation. Am I wrong about the Torque editor? Please advise.

Assumption #2 said:
They had to purchase a license for that software, which means that distributing it would be piracy.
Torque Engine is a licensed product, which is sold for money. Shame on me for making the assumption that the Legions crew had to pay just like everyone else. How could I be so reckless with my assertions?

Assumption #3 said:
So basically, in order to provide the community with a mapping program[...]
You're right, that entire paragraph was one big assumption about what the development of a map editor would entail, which is based entirely on another assumption that InstantAction are NOT easygoing folks who would willfully distribute the source to their intellectual property based on faith.

So you win this one, sir. I am clearly a Smarty McDouchenozzle who cluelessly flaps about the mouth, leaving misinformation and chaos in my wake. So much for my Nobel Prize. Damn.


Private Tester
Skeptic, you have an epic signature image. It is, no joke, totally rad. It would be equally rad if folks could calm down a little bit. I'd imagine that would bring with it an almost sublime level of epicness.
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