Timing on Blade Run


New Member
This is concerning Blade Run PUBS. I am an unaccomplished player true, but I gotta say a few things. Just played half a map and saw an immediate problem.

First thoughts; new guys who haven't played Blade Run do not OD the flag unless there is a competent LO situation going on. Blade Run can easily be capped without OD. Maybe the one map that doesn't require it (you tell me cappers, input?) and requires rigorous D and ultimately (IMO) awesome chasers.

Blade Run is not the typical map. You have a long way to go home. Your D has a long way to get to you. Good cappers have time to chain/roket/whatever you down. Chaser and chasee are on more even turf here.

Hero charges with an OD escape will not work in a small player number game as they have no distractions and tons of time to run you down(unless you're out clean which usually means distraction).

It's more of a long term map. Timing and attrition is key. Watch who's going and coming. This map is all about time.

Hopefully my horrible post will spawn constructive criticism on BR gameplay.


Warrior of Linux
Speed caps are essential to success on bigger maps. Due to the outside hills, it is much easier to do this on map than Zenith. The size of the map also makes chasing a very real possibility compared to other smaller maps like Frostbyte which are very popular with the community. This could be the only map that we have so far that has a real possibility for 10 v 10 pickups as well.

I much prefer the base design to that of Mirage. Mirage's base design is much more suited to sneaky OD caps around the flag stand, and are a nightmare to HoF's, but Blade Run is much more open, allowing the HoF's to cover most angles (Good LO needed here) Apart from a sneaky back route, the Heavy can defend the base well against Cappers.


Warrior of Linux
The map is around the same size as Zenith... Just a lot wider. 7 vs 7 is the lowest amount it should be played at.

Yes, bigger maps 7v7 Minimum. The biggest pickups I have seen so far however have been 9v9 on Core.


The map is around the same size as Zenith... Just a lot wider. 7 vs 7 is the lowest amount it should be played at.
Quite right, but Zenith is as large as Blade Run, but the boundaries of Zenith is smaller than Blade Run. And 7 v 7 is way boring in Blade.


i've been standing around a lot on this map trying to watch the different cap routes n i've even tried a few myself just to see how they approach and i must say that Llama or slow grabs just wont cut it on this map a good Sentinal will chase down never mind a proper chaser so just be aware of this even more so with the addition of the jump pads. in my eyes 10 v 10 is the right amount of players for this map but id love to see 15 v 15 on this one so more snipers could be used to take advantage of all the hills and hiding places that this map provides. i love this map;) also trundle u must have been playing with a lot new players because most top cappers were grabbing the flag at around 170 to 220 with or without od slow grabs are just pointless on this 1


i've been standing around a lot on this map trying to watch the different cap routes n i've even tried a few myself just to see how they approach and i must say that Llama or slow grabs just wont cut it on this map a good Sentinal...

You know what? That's exactly how every map should be like.
No more high flag stand, no more bowl right next to bowl... it's way more fun to have flag stand in middle of bowl, easier to defend and virtually unllamable (I just made up a new word).

Or even better, some horrid bastard child of Quarry & Scarbrae :D


The high flag stands do give a different type of game and as long as we have a good variety of maps and flag stands the games will always be fun it just depends on the players to make the teams fair


Hopefully my horrible post will spawn constructive criticism on BR gameplay.
Nice post, you've mentioned all the things I like about BR. Only thing is that I don't get why did you use the word 'criticism' :D

If I am to play a BR PuG I won't play as LO for sure. I've always been chasing/ capper support on that map just because I loved the long chases all around the map. Don't know what points are you trying to raise here/ what is the purpose of this thread. Different maps should be played differently- that's it.


Private Tester
If only the giant pointless flat sections of the map were varied a bit and the giant rabbit hills on the edges minimized, it would be a great map. It definitely feels like the only map where real chases can take place (like a tribes map). Lots of time to intersect and take down fast cappers.


Blade run and Forgotten are the two maps that got me hooked on Legions back in the IA days. lots of speed can be generated and yes like Trundle said timing and good chasing skills are needed. Although I love Frostbyte for its instant gratification and easy cap routes, the big maps are shear joy. The other day on blade run I gingerly plucked the flag from a HoF while at 10%health, either the HoF was afk or his back was turned facing me but anyway my point is I was able to do a high speed grab without OD and return the flag at 10% health. Pretty fun and exhilerating.


I have found several approaches that keep you out of sight of the HoF until it's literally the last second. If the other D isn't paying attention, you can do a speed grab and be out of there before anyone knows the flag is gone.

Using OD to grab is anything but pointless. I have used it to get around body blocks, for one, but I mostly use it so that I can take the speed grab and turn it into a more direct route home. In my experience, the more direct your return, the less likely you'll get popped from the side by an intercepting chaser. Thus my side routes use a front route out.

And I don't know what it is about BR that pulls me away from my usual LO role and makes me want to cap :p . It was like that even on IA.