The Laser Rifle


New Member
Some of you may have given this weapon a try and if you did, you probably failed with it. Here's why I think this weapon is just too hard to use for many people:

To be good with this thing, you must have near perfect aim. Which is a problem because some of us miss sometimes and it's easy to be screwed over by any other weapon. This game is supposed to be fast paced and in constant motion. Sniping doesn't quite suit that.

What should be added? A slight charge and cooldown that can be used during jet, with some explosion at the end. That way you're allowed to miss slightly and still hit the enemy. Take away some power, and bam, the LRIII. Thoughts?


I find found sniping reasonably easy, but very ping dependent. (Can't snipe anymore because the lowest ping I get on the new servers is 200)
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World Leader of The 21st Century
Some of you may have given this weapon a try and if you did, you probably failed with it. Here's why I think this weapon is just too hard to use for many people:

To be good with this thing, you must have near perfect aim. Which is a problem because some of us miss sometimes and it's easy to be screwed over by any other weapon. This game is supposed to be fast paced and in constant motion. Sniping doesn't quite suit that.

What should be added? A slight charge and cooldown that can be used during jet, with some explosion at the end. That way you're allowed to miss slightly and still hit the enemy. Take away some power, and bam, the LRIII. Thoughts?

It just takes time to get used to it, you have to lead and such. Just keep trying and as the old idiom goes: "practice makes perfect"


i found the new LR to be extremely easy as long as you get used to the ping differences, kind of missing the old LR since it actually demanded some skill to be used properly


Warrior of Linux

You must have near perfect aim with any weapon to gain good results with it, take the chain gun for example. Although people *lady friend* it, the weapon is very effective and provides an alternative to trying to Mid Air someone. Likewise the sniper rifle provides an alternative defence weapon, rather than long range chaining which most people on defence do.

I agree with the fact that the sniper rifle in its state at the moment, is not suited for chasing, as it is only used for static defence. It is like this because of the energy decrease, you fly up, shoot and by gum, you hit him - but because you have used up all your energy, you do very little damage when compared to the chain gun. Its a shame because the sniper rifle really has so much chasing potential. I myself have been using it for a few days, and while its damage sucks over range (To stop the osnipers) Its rather a good weapon for defence. If you shoot an incoming attacker, only a slight bit of damage is then needed to stop the capper (in case of a terrible team)

As for your idea, I don't think it will work as most laser rifle shots are in the air. Perhaps a wider beam, but if you are having problems aiming, I would recommend getting a good mouse, changing the sensitivity settings, until you find settings that are most comfortable to you.


The old sniper had a hit widow 20x larger than the current one. Your strange parallel universe in which that takes more skill to hit with is a scary place.

Does it happen on a single tick now? Maybe it needs a bit larger hit window to make up for ping fluctuations if not differences.

And we are talking about the version of sniper that existed when instant action went down right?


The old sniper had a hit widow 20x larger than the current one. Your strange parallel universe in which that takes more skill to hit with is a scary place.
was more or less refering to the whole charge up aspect of it as skiing was disabled during it, therefore it wasn't as easy to use in combat as the new one is and wasn't even worth going into duels with. a bit harder to hit with perhaps but much much easier in the other parts


New Member
It seems that there isn't an in-between with the skill of the LR. Either they blast you out of the air consistantly, or they miss alot. :p But I guess some weapons just weren't made for me then.


Though Legions is a fast-paced game, Snipers can change the dynamic of the game. Either weakening the incoming offense or taking out a capper with low health. I've done it (albeit rarely) but if a capper is critical, and the chasers aren't having an easy time of killing the capper, one good LR shot is all it needs to send that capper into the next life. This takes practice, and before skill, you get luck. I'm more than willing to say that those two or three times I really made a difference for the retrieval for the flag were mostly lucky shots, but I've dealt with uncommonly good defensive snipers, who, on mirage, could coordinate their shots and have three LR beams through somebody almost as soon as they came into sight.
The LR, as it is, may not be the most effective chasing weapon, but a good sniper can find one good spot and take out what they need from where they stand. I've had other discussions on this forum about changing the LR, but I've realized that it works well as it stands.


test bester
Played sniper today and I really like it i dont know if the netfix also have to do something with this but shooting with sniper used to be laggy but still acceptable, but now the sniper really shoots when you hit the mouse button so I am liking the sniper once again!


Yeah, the delay really messed things up. I can't wait to be able to play again with the better netfix. I might be able to do some D sniping then!


New Member
Some of you may have given this weapon a try and if you did, you probably failed with it. Here's why I think this weapon is just too hard to use for many people:

To be good with this thing, you must have near perfect aim. Which is a problem because some of us miss sometimes and it's easy to be screwed over by any other weapon. This game is supposed to be fast paced and in constant motion. Sniping doesn't quite suit that.

What should be added? A slight charge and cooldown that can be used during jet, with some explosion at the end. That way you're allowed to miss slightly and still hit the enemy. Take away some power, and bam, the LRIII. Thoughts?

Before the Laser Rifle had a really good 1 hit kill ratio. It was easy to snipe and get kills on most targets. Also you could get this effect from a good distance. Aim was still a challenge even then. The current way the Rifle works was the change made before Legions original company folded. I never got the skill to hit people in air but had seen many do it. The limited ammo is fine. Even with the original laser rifle settings a limited ammo supply works.

The old sniper had a hit widow 20x larger than the current one. Your strange parallel universe in which that takes more skill to hit with is a scary place.

I did find the original LR to need some skill when shooting at moving targets. Not too much since the object your taking a bead on is a person who has their own agenda. Which often involves not being hit at all. What I saw as skill was jumping, staling your flight and sniping someone in mid air. Saw many do this but never get the hang of it myself.

Volt Cruelerz

Legions Developer
i found the new LR to be extremely easy as long as you get used to the ping differences, kind of missing the old LR since it actually demanded some skill to be used properly

Old LR was way easier to hit with than the new one. With the old one, I could snipe every capper out of the sky on Moonshine whereas I can't hit anything with the new one.


The new one, as I've gathered, I never actually played with the old one, is different to use. I guess that's an understatement and incredibly obvious, but the changes were done probably under careful consideration. The new sniper is intended as a defensive weapon, not a dueling weapon, but it can still be quite effective when in the right hands.


New Member
Some of you may have given this weapon a try and if you did, you probably failed with it. Here's why I think this weapon is just too hard to use for many people:

To be good with this thing, you must have near perfect aim. Which is a problem because some of us miss sometimes and it's easy to be screwed over by any other weapon. This game is supposed to be fast paced and in constant motion. Sniping doesn't quite suit that.

What should be added? A slight charge and cooldown that can be used during jet, with some explosion at the end. That way you're allowed to miss slightly and still hit the enemy. Take away some power, and bam, the LRIII. Thoughts?
Wrong. There's nothing wrong with the sniper rifle as it is, in terms of learning curve. If you're having trouble aiming with a weapon, you practice with it, rather than make a suggestion to buff the weapon. You're not going to pick up new skills in a day or two, so keep at it.

It can be and has been used as both a good base defense weapon AND a dueling weapon (in combination with the chaingun). Yes, the energy drain from the sniper will cause problems against those splash-weapon loving individuals, but the solution is to carefully plan out where you are going to land, which is what you should be doing anyways as any class. Given the slightly enhanced maneuverability of the outrider (assuming you are using the LRII) this is a little bit easier.

If you want a game where the weapons are easy to use and provide instant gratification, try any of the more popular games like COD, Bad company, CS, and so on. They're popular because it doesn't take much skill to win.

P.S. The sniper used to have splash damage, unlimited ammo, no energy loss, and no dropoff range for damage. Why do you think they nerfed it?

P.S.S. You really just asked for a sniper rifle to have splash damage? :/


New Member
Bring the Old Sniper, anyway it's more pro and more powerful and even can even kill 3 Players in a row like a BarB-Q, and it have better zoom and can hit Flying Objects in the SKY!


New Member
Bring the Old Sniper, anyway it's more pro and more powerful and even can even kill 3 Players in a row like a BarB-Q, and it have better zoom and can hit Flying Objects in the SKY!
The old sniper was overpowered. It was not "more pro" than the new one, because it was much easier to get kills with it.

You can hit flying objects in the sky with the new sniper too.