The Best Webcomic I've Ever Read


Wommin of Legions

Stare at that page. Really stare at it. Try to take in all the details, the mood, the lighting, the angles, the odd creatures and the dashing young man on his scooter.

And then go back to the start and read up to that point. You know you want to.

If you're not convinced, read this page or this one and if you STILL just DON'T CARE that is TOO BAD because you're missing out, in much the same way that someone with no taste buds is missing out on key lime pie. I'm sorry.


Wommin of Legions
Eh, it's personal preference. I've read Looking for Group, Girl Genius, the Order of the Stick and Dr McNinja (and those're just the ones that come to mind out of the 60-some I've read), but this one's my favorite. Forever. I could tell you why, but I sincerely doubt you're interested.


Wommin of Legions
FIRST OF ALL because it defies traditional storylines, an example being the moment when main character-face discovers his spectral energy color is black, and the teacher's response is "Black spectral energy!? That's... fairly common." instead of the cliché "WHOA the main character's power is incredibly rare and special!" and such.
Secondly because of the awesome faces the characters make, like in the penultimate panel of this page:
Thirdly because the author keeps track of everything that's going on from panel to panel, even with background characters, and that attention to detail is awesome to me.
Fourthly because of the way the author defies typical expectations for unexpected results, as with this page and the following one: Everyone assumed the people were purple because they're background characters, but NO. He trolled the main character and the audience at the same time and I loved the result @.@
Also because the characters themselves are extremely interesting and diverse, and you can't possibly get one mixed up with the other because they're all so different, it's like a dozen ice cream flavors instead of stereotypical chocolate, vanilla or strawberry. And watching the characters interact with each other is like mixing said ice cream flavors for an even more interesting result.
And mostly because I know the author's put a lot of thought into this story, and it's definitely going somewhere awesome, and I'm really excited to see where.

1. Because it's different
2. Because the faces are awesome
3. Because it's detailed
4. Because it's different (again? hm...)
5. Because the characters are diverse
6. Because it's going somewhere awesome

Soyeah, it's not the most well-written forum post and it's kinda long but you asked for it and you kinda see where I'm coming from, right?


I like it. I can relate to it. Have you ever gone down to the store at 3 in the morning. It's a different world. All the shadowy types are out.


Wommin of Legions
I've already seen Penny Arcade (and I keep up with it) and Dinosaur comics (I don't find it that interesting), I don't really get Achewood (wasn't that engaging initially but maybe I'll check it out anyway), and I read and enjoyed Blastwave just now but then it ended and it hasn't updated since January D:
More please! Oh and hey, is another one I recommend. I seem to be more interested in a storyline than Jordahan, so maybe that's why I like Paranatural more than Penny Arcade? is another good one.

Edit: Also my signature's quote is from a Penny Arcade blog post, so that tells you something.