

New Member
So I've been experiencing this thing i call stuttering for the past few days now. While im in game every few seconds(it varies) my game will stop for 1/2 a sec then go back to normal. It is not my network lag because its 90-170 ping, my fps is around 100(never below 70) and its not the servers lag because no one else experiences it.

So i was told to make a post on the forums in hopes of someone having a answer for my problem. I've tried reinstalling but there isnt much more i can think of.

A little more information that I've noticed about "stuttering" is it acts like fps lag. As in it will happen when watching to many things, or a cluster goes of and etc. but that's all I've been able to come up with. Any ideas are always appreciated so i can still play my favorite game ^.^ .


Private Tester
If your network lag is fluctuating between 90 and 170, it will very easily cause stuff that looks like that. Are you on a wireless router? How quickly does it fluctuate?


New Member
Ya i have a wireless router and it fluctuates for about 1/4 of a sec usually happening 2 times in a row in quick recession but that number varies from 1 to about 7. Would getting a new network provider fix it perhaps?


New Member
i forgot to mention that this is the only game that i have ever had any problems with lag and such. But ill prab try that when i get my hands on a cord


Warrior of Linux
Try enabling triple buffering on your graphic card options, that may help the problem. Probably won't, but worth a shot.


If it's fps issue, lowering your resolution & fiddling around with prefs.cs using Notepad might do the trick (make a backup copy of your prefs.cs file first!).