Search By Group (Member Search)

Something that I would like to see is the ability to click on the members tab, then click on either a filter (which has options like hide non staff members, show Moderators / Private Testers etc.), or just click on a drop down tab which is "Show only members of ___ Group".
This would be primarily so people could easily see a complete list of all Devs, Moderators, Private testers (once they're chosen), and any other groups that get created.

Correct me if I'm wrong but currently you have to either find out by them being online at that time period (because there's a "staff online" area, and I'd assume that wouldn't even show private testers), or by searching for the red names in posts or the complete member list.

Not a critical system in most peoples books, but something that would be useful to have.
I agree, this would be a cool thing to have in the new Legions. However, it would be annoying to me if I had a bunch of people asking me questions if I was a MOD or some higher level player. Ranks could come in handy though :) Being good at the game will give you a higher rank; therefore, more respect.
I wasn't suggesting ranks Epic, All I'm suggesting is being able to search through the member list by the group that they are in. For example if I want to know the names of all the Administrators, to see who's online in IRC so I can get help from them in dealing with a griefer.
That isn't my only reason by the way, that was just one example that happened to come to my head.
Yeah, I getcha. It's just that I had ranks on my mind for a long time, so I couldn't help but to bring it up xD I'm sure that Legions: Overdrive will have online suport sessions. It will have major upgrades, no doubt, for being a single standalone game. Not just 1/10 games in content like IA did.