RIFT beta key.


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Rift Beta key ZOMG! The first 25 people can get into beta good luck. And who knows i will meet you there.


Many of you have asked for keys to get your guilds into the RIFT beta, and we hear you! As a special thank-you for subscribing to the newsletter, here is a VIP beta key that can be used 25 times. Now your friends can join the ranks of the Ascended for all remaining beta events. Post it on Facebook or your favorite forum! Tweet it! Shout it from the heavens! It's yours to use as you please.


To Apply the VIP Code:
  1. [*]Go to https://account.RIFTgame.com to login or create a new account.
    [*]Click "Apply Code" on the left-hand navigation bar and enter your VIP key.
    [*]You're done! You will automatically be invited into the remaining beta events.