[Requests] Toggle binds for ski, zoom, and laser charge


New Member
What it says in the title.
If possible, the ski bind should have the property that if it's active and I press the normal ski button, it deactivates so I deadstop as soon as I let go of normal ski.
Zoom is just press E -> go into zoom press E again -> go out of zoom
Laser charge is left-click -> start charging, left-click again -> fire (maybe even automatically recharge? I don't know)

Thanks in advance!

As a return, have a sniper firing sound I made. It's literally just me saying "pew" in a silly voice: Dropbox Link
Replace Laser_fire in \live\legions\data\sound\weapons\LaserRifle to use.
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New Member
Cool. That's one done so far. Thank you.

Edit: Just to confirm, yes it works.
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New Member
While we're asking for stuff, how about a toggle chaingun script? There used to be one of these back in T2, called StickyChain. Is it possible in L:O?


Lead Developer
You would need to modify keybindings.cs pretty heavily for this.. to get you started though:

%weapon = serverconnection.getcontrolObject().getMountedImage(0).item
%weaponState = serverconnection.getcontrolObject().getImageState(0);


New Member
You would need to modify keybindings.cs pretty heavily for this.. to get you started though:
Sadly I don't know a thing about writing code and can't make any sense from the lines you posted, hence the request :/
I scrolled through the mentioned file (that's live\client\scripts\keybindings.cs, right? or is it live\client\gui\scripts\keybindings.cs?) a bit and I don't really have an idea what I'm looking at. Maybe toggleski could be done by making a new command, define a new function and copy in the jet function and then edit that?


Lead Developer
This one yeah


specifically the fire function , jets are in there too. Yes you could try to start there about the jetting one.