Question regarding new weapons


New Member
There is the Cluster and GL weapon. How are these weapons different/stronger than the other one. Also the BR, what is the point of that thing?


Ok well the cluster grenade, if you hold the fire button for a few milliseconds after it is launched, it is a armed mine or in most cases a flying mine. Once it is armed, you can detonate it by letting go of the fire button even in mid air and it will be released into mini grenades that splash a wide radius, however not as wide as the mortar. The GL is a normal grenade, has no cluster ability. However I forgot the exact details, but it has a wider arc so you can shoot further, and it bounces a lot. When chasing the GL is preferred as the wider arc provides more range, and if you are in the enemy base to cause some havoc i prefer cluster grenade because it is less bouncy. Ummm the BR, i used for like 10seconds in my whole legions life lol, and I to believe it is silly RIGHT NOW. The point of that weapon is to deal large amounts of dmg within a small are such as inside the bases in fallout. However it is useless right now because hardly ever does combat go into the fallout bases and the rest of the maps are really open and not compressed, so it is pretty useless. But I am sure the devs are working on maps to take full advantage of the blaster rifle.


The BR is used for spamming the enemy base in an easy attempt to get multiple MAs and damage the enemy defense.

Volt Cruelerz

Legions Developer
Remind me again how using a weapon with slow transit is easy to get MA's with compared with, say, the RL or Sky Bolt?