Portal 2 on Steam/Spread the love!


So I see Portal 2 is out for Pre-Order on steam ($44.99). Who's going for the buy? I certainly am.
And also, Portal 2 goes romantic! Kotaku posted this video that I thought would be nice to share:

What do you think? =P


Private Tester
Most definitely! I get every game Valve makes, but Portal's among my all-time favorites. Add in co-op? Oh, hells yes.
I'm going to get it but i'll wait for it to be on sale or something, I'm too broke now to even afford something at the Dollar store.


I got Portal for free right when Steam was released for Macs, and I absolutely LOVE it. I'm sooooo looking forward to Portal 2 :cool:


One of the best games evar. (If you think otherwise, you can go be the homeless guy with the golden voice.)
Really excited at all those new features/skills/abilities in P2. Also, YEAHP CO-OP FTW.