Older maps will not work in 140, with out updating!


SupportedGameTypes, was renamed GameType, in 140..
This made all older maps not compatible, was this the plan?.
Even after changing the game type name my old maps still wont load..:mad:
What else was changed?

new SimGroup(MissionGroup) {
canSaveDynamicFields = "1";
Enabled = "1";
EffectPack = "WinterEffectPack";
GameType = "CNC";
MissionName = "Grassy";

old way

new SimGroup(MissionGroup) {
  canSaveDynamicFields = "1";
  Enabled = "1";
      EffectPack = "DesertEffectPack";
      MissionName = "Crusade";
      SupportedGameTypes = "CTF\tDeathmatch\tRabbit";


I was not testing the cnc mod..
That mission code was just an example.
I tested my newer ctf map NocturnalRise, it will not run on 140, even after changing SupportedGameTypes, to GameType.
The fix will most likely require me to use the editor in 140, then relight and create a new NocturnalRise_sg file. Unfortunatly, my maps wont even load, even after adding them to the config, and or deleting the lighting file for my map. Wow, this sucks majerly.. let me know if you are successful in running your old maps..


Private Tester
works for me... You need to add the map to server/preferences/ config
after that load a map and use the console: AdminChangeMission(MAPNAME, GAMEMOD);


That is no fix for running new maps on a server...
What about renaming SupportedGameTypes, to GameType, in the mission file?
How come the Devs, decided to break the older maps?
Are there any plans to ever fix this?


Legions Developer
When you say they won't load, can you give more detail?
Do they appear in the server creation screen but stop at the loading screen? What sort of errors do you get in the console?

Are you sure you've added everything you need to, in the server/preferences/config.cs?

Such as adding the mission to each gametype you want them playable on, like so:
$Host::Mission["%GAMETYPE%", "%MISSIONNAME%"] = %NUMBER%;

And adding it in the list of map files:
$Host::Maps::MissionFile[%NUMBER%] = $MissionPath @ "%MISSIONNAME%.mis";
$Host::Maps::Weight[%NUMBER%] = 1.0;
$Host::Maps::MinPlayers[%NUMBER%] = 0;
$Host::Maps::MaxPlayers[%NUMBER%] = 24;


Yes it finnaly works now, after adding it both places in the config, and editing the mission file at the top and renaming SupportedGameTypes, to GameType, in the mission file. Now I must reupload every one of my maps after editing that one line in the mission file, thanks goes to who ever renamed that.:mad:
Where in the heck in the game scripts did they change SupportedGameTypes, to GameType?
I would like to change it some how in my mod, so the game reads both name types.

$Host::Mission["CTF", "NocturnalRise_v02"] = 29;

$Host::Maps::MissionFile[29] = $MissionPath @ "NocturnalRise_v02.mis";
$Host::Maps::Weight[29] = 1.0;
$Host::Maps::MinPlayers[29] = 0;
$Host::Maps::MaxPlayers[29] = 24;