New Type of PuG


Some of Void were talking about an interesting concept. It would be cool to try a PuG that's a Pub. Basically 16 players on teamspeak join a map, switch the map so teams are random and then go.

It adds a bit more diversity and strategy to the game since clearly everyone has favourite positions so some times you'll end up playing a position other then you normally do to bolster a failing part of your team.

If this ends up being anything like team scrims, which I hope it does then people are willing to sit out for a map to cycle in other teamspeakers who didn't play in the previous map, most of us are adults so in theory this should work similar to pickup hockey (where you randomly toss sticks to alternating sides, creating random teams).

It's just an idea so don't go raging or anything, however it would eliminate captains and the whole elitist tier PuGs have been known for and increase teamwork over a wide range of people. Of course this wouldn't completely take over PuGs it would just be a nice alternative once in a while.

EDIT: The best games I've ever played are PUBS with very good people and Team Matches

Known Problems/Guidelines (Not Rules)
  • Picking a map however most people can agree on a map within a few minutes, large maps for larger games
  • Setting a player limit - It's best to fit as many people as possible in, of course there's always going to be extra people at times. It may come down to setting a server limit, then first come first serve for the first game and then having people willing to set out for the second game to get new people in
  • Pre game / Early game switches - If one side is clearly stacked then you can organize a trade, again it's essentially a controlled PUB so it's a very relaxed but competitive feeling
  • Number balancing - If someone is in the TS channel but afk then either another person needs to be dragged in or the last one who joined needs to sit out. Depending on the person, it's fine to have a 1 man advantage
Comment below!



Just tried it, 7v7 on sleepwalker worked very well, final score 8-9

Keep commenting and discussing


Private Tester
In short, a 'controlled' PUB with a full server and Team based TS3 rooms. (random teams, random maps, no captains)


Test Lead
In short, a 'controlled' PUB with a full server and Team based TS3 rooms. (random teams, random maps, no captains)


PUB+ seems like a fitting title.


Private Tester
Decent idea, and agreed that it could work as an alternative to pugs once in a while. I personally wouldn't be attracted to it for more often than that since there's a reason I don't play pubs. I also think it might be difficult for teams to get the right balance of o and d. sleepwalker was okay because no one knew any routes on the map; the fastest was my whopping 194. It'll be interesting to see what happens when teams lose because everyone wants to play offense or the reverse. I like it because it takes less time to start.


I quite like this idea too. But with random teams, wouldn't we have to switch channels in TeamSpeak3 to communicate with our team members?


Private Tester
Yes it would require keeping TS3 in sync with the in game teams. Also, this is not meant to be a PUG. Not controlled, not planned. It's simply pubbing with active legion players plus team based voice. the idea is to keep it quick and fun. No pressure or captain responsibility. So ya Pub+ ;)


Warrior of Linux
Interesting concept, but as the picks are random, you could really get some bad mixes if you're doing it randomly. Perhaps a captain could be chosen after the random teams to install order into the team?


Private Tester
By nature this system won't always be 'fair'. But neither is the current PUG system. You'll will invariably get on lesser teams, but the intent here is that the playing style isn't as competitive as it is for fun and for working together. If the teams are OBVIOUSLY stacked, I would hope the group would try to even things out before playing an entire map.


Warrior of Linux
By nature this system won't always be 'fair'. But neither is the current PUG system. You'll will invariably get on lesser teams, but the intent here is that the playing style isn't as competitive as it is for fun and for working together. If the teams are OBVIOUSLY stacked, I would hope the group would try to even things out before playing an entire map.

The pickup system only fails when human error comes into play, nothing much you can do about that though. Two experienced captains will generally have a better game than two inexperienced captains. I'd imagine just restarting the game until the teams are relatively even by the random process to stop stacked teams.


Private Tester
Yeah, I would just call this a teamspeak pub, and I don't think you need organization or setup for it, since this is invariably what happens before pickups anyway. The question is whether people would rather do this than pickup :). If done right, maybe. Certainly if pickups continue taking forever, maybe.