Looking at the UI


Legions Developer
Right so I've been in Photoshop tinkering with how I can make the Legions menu look a lot more professional without changing the main dynamics too much.

Here are some images, I will update the OP with new stuffs.

(Yes I got the idea from the CS:S menu.)




Menu w/ server browser - needs some revision (text, blur bg text behind browser)


Menu w/ options open - text in options not added

So, what you think?

*braces for hate*


World Leader of The 21st Century
I like it quite a bit, to be honest but I think you need to make it a bit darker.

I'd use it.


Legions Developer
Looks awesome. Not too difficult to do either. Hardest part would be getting the server browser to look like that.


Legions Developer
Looks awesome. Now too difficult to do either. Hardest part would be getting the server browser to look like that.
Ya, but also it would be easy enough to just keep it in the same as before but just buff the graphics.


Legions Developer
Ya, but also it would be easy enough to just keep it in the same as before but just buff the graphics.
Well, the graphics that are there now are just profiles (besides the buttons). You will have to change the GuiControl(s) to GuiBitmapCtrl(s) to be able to add images behind them. And if you could figure out a way to get the GuiTheoraCtrl to work (if it even does in this game) you could also display a video on the main menu.


The legions overdrive looks too simple maybe add a shadow to the words, i like the background though :)


Legions Developer
Just say if you want the PSD to mess around with it, I'm not going to cater for every suggestion.
And if you could figure out a way to get the GuiTheoraCtrl to work (if it even does in this game) you could also display a video on the main menu.
I tried it some time ago, it doesn't work because i think it needs to be added to the engine??
Though i think it would be cool to see a video playing in the background like some source games too

Volt Cruelerz

Legions Developer
Well, you could do a video without doing a movie... Just have lots of frames :p

You'd have to ask someone else if this is in the engine though; Idk.