List of Clans


In7olerance will be active too

i had no contact to some members but i am sure they will come back if legions is back.

the members i actually know that they come back are: Annihilate, xzanth, Battelstar, Tomstoiler, pullute, Riptack and me
i hope that Jossiqua, Teamneuch and Kat999 will show up too but i am not sure if they will ...


Elite Pro Mapmaker
The way it looks, a good amount, many haven't been seen in a while, such as OWA, but it seems at least over 10 to 12 teams are active enough to try to get some members. As legions gets closer to release, ill update this accordingly.


Elite Pro Mapmaker
Updated main list

The update is quite obvious. I would like all teams that have been "warned" to contact me via PM. I would like the leader of each clan to contact me. If the leader doesn't/Can't, but someone else does, ill give it more time. You have till next week. (or when I remember). :rolleyes:

Doom Of Neroflame

cant remember what it stands for but..wheres team null?


Elite Pro Mapmaker
Cleaned up main page, aaaaand this:

Id like to see how many teams will be actively looking for members "out the gate" of when legions returns, because one thing I really enjoyed the most, besides Pugs, was playing with my team. I was wondering how many teams will want to actively play in scrims and just fun team vs team games? Now I don't speak for Team Vorticity, but id like to do this. Pugs are great, and this could be another way of having fun too. Plus you would be doing things that are extremely useful. (getting to play with the team you are on). I've seen many teams created in a short while consisting of mostly the same people. This might be contributed to, not the lack of competition, but lack of team vs team interaction, aka scrims. Scrims (and just goofy fun team vs team games,) would instill a sense of team pride, and not wanting to go OMG CLANZ HOPINZ YO!

IT ALSO DEPENDS ON THE HOW SERVERS WILL BE HANDLED. (but eventually this shouldn't be a problem.)

So with that said; What teams are out there actively wanting members, and looking for some team interaction?

I ask for this guideline too.

-Team Name
-How Many Members (minimum to play is 5, but 7 is the standard)
-Leader/Co-Leader (both if possible)
-Other active team members able to make scrim calls
-Location (USA, Europe, Australia, Asia, ect.)
-What you are looking for (<- THIS IS A HUGE DEAL)
-Extra Comments

I am hoping we can get an active enough team base to get scrims going. This could also get people like FishStix and Apcizzle to possibly shoutcast, and make use of our LPRadio Live Stream! (and Legions Live!, also hosted by Apcizzle.)

EDIT: I sent out mass PMs to members of many of the teams. After I receive most of the replies, ill try searching out the rest, and possibly delete the ones that are not active.


What are the odds of getting in-game support of clans/teams? What I mean is some server-side option of creating more official clans where membership can actually be moderated (by locking certain strings of characters for clan name or any other method) by a clan leader instead of just adding text to a player name?

I'm just wondering because I recall playing against OMNIs who were clearly not true OMNIs and it would be a great feature to control who can use a clan's name or not.


-Team Name - Team Exodus {eX}
-How Many Members - 2 we are looking
-Leader/Co-Leader Zander , and i
-Other active team members able to make scrim calls
-Location (USA, Europe, Australia, Asia, ect.)- USA
-What you are looking for - active Pug players. that will be active in competition within our team.



Private Tester
- Team Name: Australia New Zealand Alliance (ANZA) - Sorry bout the change of name it was Australia New Zealand Legions Corp.
- How many members? 5 - Recruits coming very soon
- Leader/Co-Leader - AusHardstyle/Bloodymassacre... Captains: Flamesstater and MuffNator
- People able to make scrims - TrainMuncher, Whitewhale, Jedics (ovo), Nighthawk043
- Location/Region - Australia, New Zealand, or Oceania (possibly)
- Requirements - Australia/New Zealand Region, Must be mature and able to work individually and in a team, Must have a passion for MMOs and FPS games Must have TS3 and IRC, Must log in quite regularly.


-Team Name: Team In7olerance (In7)
-How Many Members: 10
-Leader/Co-Leader : Jossiqua/ Dimitryy
-Other active team members able to make scrim calls: Annihilate, Riptack, xzanth, Battelstar, Tomstoiler, pullute

-Lcation: Europe
-What you are looking for: Active leejunz player from europe with medium/good english skills, working headset, TS3, Mumble and IRC
-Website: here