Download LegionsOverdrive_dedicated_server.bat


Hi all, this was a vary simple .bat to create.
This will delete your dso's and start a windows Legions Overdrive dedicated server.

Installation Instructions
To Install, just place the LegionsOverdrive_dedicated_server.bat and in your \Legions Overdrive\live\folder.

To start a dedicated server you can double click on it or right click and use the open option to run it.

Don't forget to edit your server config.cs, in the Legions Overdrive\live\server\preferences
Also set $Host::BroadcastMaster = true;
And make sure your 28001 port is open on your router.
If not the server will not show up on the internet.

Second version

This version expermental, but works fine on my home pc, I still need to test it on my VPS.
If your server crashs the Tribes2 ispawn.exe will restart it, witch is nice to have..
Also has the 28001 port forword in the dedicated server run line same as tribes2 dedicated servers have.


Installation Instructions
To Install, just place the LegionsOverdrive_dedicated_server.bat+ispawn and ispawn.exe in your \Legions Overdrive\live\folder.
To start a dedicated server you can double click on it or right click and use the open option to run it.
Don't forget to edit your server config.cs, in the Legions Overdrive\live\server\preferences
Also set $Host::BroadcastMaster = true;
And make sure your 28001 port is open on your router.
If not the server will not show up on the internet.


Ports are open by default on all the windows VPS's, I have rented.
It works fine on my rented windows VPS from
The port forword is something you need to set on your router or what ever.
This .bat just makes it easy to delete the dso's and start a dedicated server, especially for beginners who have a hard time making a dedicated server shortcut to the Legions.exe.
This is the same way the popular classic mod from tribes2, had their Classic_dedicated_server.bat setup. I made this .bat from theirs, and included a credit.


Legions Developer
works without a port forward?
Ok, so you are thinking about networking in completely the wrong way.
The router is the GATEWAY from your LAN (Local Area Network) to the WAN (Wide Area Network/Internet), so this router is determining what ports are being broadcast from your Local Network to the Internet, it has nothing to do with what you do on your PC. This explains why you can access your server still on a different computer on the same Local Network. Local Network IPs are like 192.168.1/0.***, so when you see an IP like this, it is a device of your own, connected to your network.
As Defender said, by default all commercial Data Centres have all ports open by default since it'd be stupid for users to ask for every port-forward they want to use.


I just posted a second dedicated .bat option witch has a port forword in the run line like tribes2 uses maybe that would help..
Also uses the tribes2 ispawn.exe, witch restarts the server after a crash, need to test it on my vps, but at home it works fine.