Its the final countdooooooown!


New Member
Only a few more days to go until the much awaited Legions triumphantly returns! Do you think that Legions will have been worth the wait? Anything anyone would like to say to the developers before the official release of Legions? I know I would like to say thanks for bringing this game back to life, I have wanted to play this game for a very long time. Because at long last...

Its the final countdoooooooown!


I don't want to be pessimistic but I'd say it's maybe a week until the public release but who knows, I'd also love to have legions back in the next few days too, but since we've already come this far I also wouldn't mind waiting a little longer if it means playing it again.
And yes, I'm totally sure it'll be worth the wait.

Volt Cruelerz

Legions Developer
The purpose of this weekend is to stress test the servers and go on a bug hunt. No full release date has been given.

That said, you could quite easily say that it is the final countdown before the re-release. I'm not going to give a time estimation (because I don't know), but Legions will return, and it will be sooner rather than later when it does, judging by the progression.


Private Tester
There is no countdown, toy can just see the end of the road with a big sign that says "Legions: Overdrive"
