Increase squaresize, but keep original map proportions?


Test Lead
I'm trying to extend the Whiteout boundaries to give cappers a bit more space after they grab the flag, however I'm stumped. Basically I want this:


That was done by simply scaling down the heightmap terrain to 180x180 but keeping the overall image size at 256x256. Sadly this won't work, as I want to keep the original size but simply extend the OOB grid. The current Whiteout OOB grid is maxed out the farthest it can go. It'd be great if I could just plop this in Zenith, but then everything would get scaled up.

tl;dr: I want to tile the Whiteout terrain on a larger squaresized map (Zenith), not have it scale up. Any suggestions, if you know what I'm asking for?


I was messing with my map a few days ago trying to decrease the size a bit but keep close to the same terrain and i got pretty close by editing a few things in the .mis file. You could try that.

new MissionArea() {
canSaveDynamicFields = "1";
Enabled = "1";
startArea = "-2033 -2062 4095 4110";
endArea = "-2033 -2062 4095 4110";
texture = "legions/data/missions/border";
new TerrainBlock() {
canSaveDynamicFields = "1";
Enabled = "1";
rotation = "1 0 0 0";
scale = "1 1 1";
doDistanceFade = "0";
startFadeDistance = "10";
endFadeDistance = "500";
blockExplosionDamage = "1";
teamIndex = "-1";
detailTexture = "legions/data/terrains/Desert/detail03.png";
terrainFile = "legions/data/missions/SideSwipe.ter";
squareSize = "16";
tile = "0";
detailDistance = "42";
detailScale = "2048";
detailBrightness = "0.77";
texelsPerMeter = "4";
clipMapSizeLog2 = "9";
bumpOffset = "0.01";
bumpScale = "1";
TypeBool locked = "true";
position = "-1024 -1024 0";
zeroBumpScale = "8";


Test Lead
Just tried. Unfortunately it still stretches it out to full 16 squaresize. I figured a scale of 0.5 0.5 0.5 would do the trick, but it doesn't change anything it seems (nor did it in 2004). I'll ask over at their forums. If they can't help, no one can.