I'm so glad my girlfriend loves video games too

Volt Cruelerz

Legions Developer
Because otherwise, I might end up like this guy... At least things didn't turn out that bad.

In my case at least, I'd be able to put her on craigslist as well for more or less identical reasons ;)


my parents keep sending me Craigslist posts of rooms for rent and also changed the wifi password at home...........


Test Lead
My gf LOVES gaming, mainly PC games thankfully. Her hand is always on the mouse and keyboard these days.



Private Tester
My girlfriend wants to play Leejunz, i keep buzzing her out of it all the time, Leejunz ruins your life!
Well, I think this girlfriend has the right idea.
I'll admit when my girlfriend is around I barely touch computer games, except portal, which I accidentally got her addicted to. However when she's at home (an 8hr flight away), I'm just straight into games again.