how do i recentre the old legions rets?

if you have an image editing problem like photoshop or gimp, what you want to do is open the equivalent default reticle, make a new layer, copy the old reticles onto it and move them so they're lined up properly, then hide the default reticles and save.


if you have an image editing problem like photoshop or gimp, what you want to do is open the equivalent default reticle, make a new layer, copy the old reticles onto it and move them so they're lined up properly, then hide the default reticles and save.


well how do i recenter these back fills because iv tryed and tryed but i dont know what to do but ive done all the other onesChaingunReticle_overheatbackfill.pngChaingunReticle_overheatfill.png

if you have an image editing problem like photoshop or gimp, what you want to do is open the equivalent default reticle, make a new layer, copy the old reticles onto it and move them so they're lined up properly, then hide the default reticles and save.
well how do i recenter these back fills because iv tried and tried but i don't know what to do but Ive done all the other onesChaingunReticle_overheatbackfill.pngChaingunReticle_overheatfill.png