$Host::AmmoChangeLoadout = true;


I have been unable to get this working..
Also could we get a way to have more weapons in the pull down list in the inventory hud for modding?
The list seems to max out at = 11 weapons total..


Weapons in the list that you can't use with your selected armor, need a different color, its hard to see.
It would be nice if only ussable weapons show up to the armor that can use them..
I made it work like that in my tribes2 mod for some items, like packs.

Index 0 tp 10

// list max seems to be 10 +0 = 11
$LOWeapon[0] = "Rifle";  // Rifle
$LOWeapon[1] = "RifleHD";  // Total Meltdown
$LOWeapon[2] = "Plasma"; // coilRifle Total Meltdown
$LOWeapon[3] = "Chaingun";
$LOWeapon[4] = "MBCannon";  // Total Meltdown
//$LOWeapon[5] = "HGattlingLaser";  // Total Meltdown
$LOWeapon[5] = "shotBlaster";  // Total Meltdown
$LOWeapon[6] = "RocketLauncher";
$LOWeapon[7] = "MortarLauncher";
$LOWeapon[8] = "GrenadeLauncher";
$LOWeapon[9] = "SkyboltLauncher";  //  Plasma
//$LOWeapon[9] = "DeploymentTool"; //Blaster
$LOWeapon[10] = "DeploymentTool";
//$LOWeapon[11] = "Blaster";  // Total Meltdown
As in index 11 (so twelve weapons) or actually 11 weapons?


Legions Developer
I have been unable to get this working..
The ammo station needs to be your team's. If you wish to change this server/game/weapons.cs

Also could we get a way to have more weapons in the pull down list in the inventory hud for modding?The list seems to max out at = 11 weapons total..


Check yer own code.