Hand Grenade Modding Help


Ok, so I wanted to know if I could change the entire image of a hand grenade into a entirely different image, instead of it using the file color as a base, and using the multiply effect on it.

Here's what I'm talking about, the first one is Frag, the second is Boost.

Here are the images I used respectively:

This is the frag nade (I want it to appear as a pineapple)

This is the boost nade (I want it to appear as a heart)


Any help would be majorly appreciated!


Next up turn the player skins into Cupids carrying fruit bowls, throwing hearts and pineapples at people... Change the cluster to a banana (bomb), GL to coconuts, mortar to watermelon and the rockets to apples :p
And sadly I can't help.


a script where everyone can put the pic he or she wants for it would be cool :). also the devs called the nades pineapples-of-love, so its not a bad idea to split them into "pineapples" and "love" since we got 2 different kinds of nades :D
like the images and want to have it :p