Gaming laptop optimization help


So my PC broke a while ago and im too lazy to fix it, so I'm using my laptop.

Intel core i5 @ 2.67GHz
Nvidia GeForce GT 330M

My problem is that this is the first time I'm using a laptop as my main gaming computer and it seems to perform worse than I expect of it. It should run better or as good as my old PC (Radeon 4800 and AMD Phenom 2 @3.4GHz), but it has a lot of Samsung and Intel software installed on it that i fear might be slowing it down while I'm gaming (Samsums easy network manager, easy speedup manager, Intel Turbo Boost).

My question is what do i need to do in order to take the most out of my laptop? Do the samsung and intel programs slow down my PC? Is it safe to uninstall them? Is there anything else i could install so that it runs smooth? I get graphical lag in DOTA2 on med-low settings and thats not normal.


try playing with your laptop plugged in, nvidia have a habit of doing things like slowing down the gpu when unplugged to save power.

also your graphics card in your laptop is worse than the one in your pc. much worse. <- shows the radeon 330m to be less than half as powerful as the radeon 4830, the slowest of the 48xx series.

looking at your laptop specs, it's clear that the bottleneck is the graphics card, so doing things like turning off aero in windows will be more of a benefit than killing processes, unless you have some serious cpu hogs (e.g. a terrible antivirus)

go into task manager and see what is using the cpu when you are gaming.

i'd get fixing that desktop :p